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You were wandering alone at some mall late at night, watching as busy shoppers started to go home. Since the mall is open till midnight, you decided to walk around some more. You bought food and sat on one of the benches, quietly eating and appreciating how good the food was. You were smiling to yourself when all of a sudden; a guy in a hoodie sat on the bench behind you not noticing you were there. Since you’re really curious on who the mystery guy was, you sat beside him, frightening him that caused his hoodie to fall. He was really good looking but his hair was quite weird. It suits him anyway. You say to yourself. You looked at him intently without breaking eye contact while chewing the hotdog you were eating.

“anyeong” You said with a blank expression while raising one hand. You scooted away, satisfied, and started eating once again. The guy beside you was completely confused and shocked with the reaction you made. He poked your shoulder, curiously asking,

“You don’t know me?”

“No.” You simply answered.

“jinja?” He asked.

“hmmm.” You hummed since your mouth was stuffed.

“That’s good. I’m Oh Sehun by the way.” You looked at him confused for a moment before asking,

“Oh what?”

“Oh Sehun” You were not able to understand since he has lisps.

“Oh Sehun?” You asked,

“yes. Oh Sehun.” He repeated.

“oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh.. Sehun?” You asked once again.

“ooooooooooooooooooooh Se- yah! Don’t make fun of my name!” He said which made you laugh.

“I’m BaoziBaoziBaozi. Nice to meet you.” You said and offered your food to him, which he took without a second thought.

“Why are you here at this time?” He asked while munching the hotdog you offered him.

“I live alone. My family lives far away from here, I have no friends and tomorrow’s my day off. Just want to unwind and relax for a bit. How about you? Why are you here?” You ask him.

“Same as you though, I have friends.” He said throwing the stick on the trash bin far from us. Three points.You thought.

“Where are your friends?” You asked.

“They’re at the dorm. Maybe sleeping or playing. It gets kind of boring if I stayed there all day but I need to be careful when I tried going out.” He said. From what you can see, his face was a bit tired and black circles form around his eyes. After looking intently at him, you felt the need of cheering him up or simply making him smile so you think of a way how to.

“OH!” He hurriedly pulled his hoodie on the moment you made a shocked look while pointing at someone from behind him saying…

“Sehun…” Then you grin.

“yah! You almost gave me a heart attack! And stop making fun of my name!” He said in an irritated tone.

“You should smile more often. You look pretty tired and…” You trailed off the moment you saw some girls pointing at him.

“oh?” You said. He rolled his eyes and took his hoodie off exposing his face. You saw the girls from behind him gasp.

“Could you please stop it? It’s getting kind of irritating.” He said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

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