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Kyungsoo ran to his car the moment he knew where you were. You left without telling anyone, but your bestfriend, where you were planning to go but since Kyungsoo almost kneeled in front of your bestfriend in the middle of the café, she decided to tell him everything.


"AGH! This is taking forever to move! Come on!" He shouted. He was getting impatient every minute wasted because of the traffic jam.

"of all days why now?!" He cursed and was about to honk one more time, when the car in front of him suddenly moved. He smiled widely and raced every car he could come across. He wanted to let you know everything he's been hiding the whole time.


"All passengers for Japan please proceed at gate ___ now. Thank you." He heard the flight you're in and suddenly ran towards the gate you were supposed to be. He pushed, blocked, stomped and bumped on people giving him death glares and shouting foul words at him. He was eager. Really eager to come and see you.

The moment his feet landed on the gate where you could be, he saw a familiar suitcase that you once used when you were out of town with yours and his group of friends. He followed that suitcase but was blocked by three guards, restraining him right away after fighting back against the three body builders.

"no! You don't understand! I need to see someone in there right now! Please!" He begged but the guards didn't listen to him.

"Please! I'm begging you! The love of my life is in there and this may be the last day that I will ever see her! I haven't explained everything to her! I never told her how much I loved her and now she misunderstood me! She thinks I like her bestfriend when in fact, I LIKE HER! I LIKE HER SO MUCH SO PLEASE JUST LET ME IN!" he shouted which caught everyone's attention.

"let...him..through." One person said.

"let..him..through." another person said.

"let him through!" Now almost everyone shouted.

"LET HIM THROUGH! LET HIM THROUGH! LET HIM THROUGH! LET HIM THROUGH! LET HIM THROUGH! LET HIM THROUGH!" everyone started cheering and shouting, surrounding Kyungsoo and the three guards at the corner. The three guards weren't able to settle them down but only made it worse. One of them sighed and blew an ear dropping whistle before everyone went quiet.

"We'll let him in BUT only for ten minutes. TEN minutes." He said and took off the handcuffs from Kyungsoo's wrists as the crowd stepped aside for him to run towards the gates.

He finally was able to enter but was only welcomed by no one. The plane went off and there were no longer people around.

"I... lost her..." Kyungsoo fell on to his knees, staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

"Kyungsoo?" A familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind him.

"Why are you here?" You asked rather coldly at the guy, still down on his knees.

"yah. Why are you here?" You ask one more time but he doesn't move.

"I know. You're here to tell me you finally got a girlfriend. Great! Congratulations! How unlucky of me. I missed my flight AND got dumped all over again. Just. Great." You sarcastically said as tears threaten to come down. You sighed and walked closer to him, giving enough space between the two of you.

"I know expecting something from you would lead me nowhere. I know I'd be hurt if I give meaning to every little thing you do. I know I'll get hurt in the end when I continue to like you but I can't help it Kyungsoo. I can't help but falling in love with you and you gave me reasons to. I know this is my own problem but I can't just keep this to myself. I like you but you don't like me. It's just another unrequited love of mine. So please... stop making it hard for me to move on. I..." You forced yourself to stop talking and while trying so hard to not make a sound while crying, he suddenly spoke.

"You think I don't like you?" You looked at the back of his head, puzzled.

"You think it's just another one of your unrequited love?" He continued.

"Well bad news for you because.." He stood up and grabbed you by the arm saying,

" I fell in love with you too." and crashed his lips against yours.

Your eyes widen at his sudden action but were slowly closing as he kissed you sweetly, handling you like a piece of glass that could shatter at any moment.

"b-but... that way you look at her and the way you smile whenever she talks to you are-" He placed his index finger on your lips and smiled saying,

"I always look at you, without you noticing. And I'm sorry for taking so long to have the courage to say this to you." Kyungsoo held both of hands and kissed them saying,

"_______, will you be my girlfriend?"

"yah. Ten minutes is o-." The guard was about to remind them but stopped when he saw the situation.

"_________? Is it a yes or a no?" He asked once again.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend Kyungsoo." You said as cheers and claps started to erupt from the outside of the gate.

"I love you _________"

"and I love you more Kyung soo."

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