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“yah.. ______-ah, what do monsters like for dessert?” You grunted instead of asking, but that didn’t stop him from telling his jokes.

“I-Scream! Get it? Ice cream.. I scream like me go aaaaaah! Ahahahahahaha!” Chanyeol laughed at his own joke while clapping like a retarded seal. You tried to step away from him but the rest of your friends stayed as far away as possible, without Chanyeol noticing, not letting you switch places with them.

Being the only girl in the group has its consequences and one of them is being tied up with Chanyeol and his lame jokes since you can't handle rest of EXO, as what they call themselves, by means of strength. Your group of friends are considered the twelve most handsome and hottest guys in school. You became friends with them when Luhan, Xiumin and you cheered on the same soccer team in a world cup tournament some years ago. They introduced you to the rest of the group and one of them really grabbed your attention, and it was none other than…

“Chanyeol-ssi! Could you please stop for atleast a minute? Please?” You said that finally silenced him.

Why on earth am I attracted to this creature?

Yes. You are in love with him but, you don't plan on confessing your love for him. You only hope that one day; you’ll learn to move on and forget the feelings you ever had for him. You're too scared to risk your friendship over some selfish reason you have. You were contented with the kind of relationship you have with him at the moment since being with him is what matters the most. What makes him happy makes you happy as well.

“One minute’s up! What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?” He once again started with his oh so great jokes.

“Frostbite! I’m so clever!” He said to no one in particular as you slowly placed your earphones on without him knowing.

When you were the only ones left, he still kept on telling you his weird jokes. I wonder where he gets these lame jokes from!

“hey! Here’s a good one! Knock knock!” He said but you didn’t answer. He grabbed your phone to get your attention and took the plug off.

“yah. What do you think you’re doing?” You asked lazily.

“I’ll tell five knock knocks before I return this to you.” He asked and you agreed right away knowing how stubborn and how childish this yoda is.

CH: Knock knock!

You: Who’s there?

CH: Cow.

you: *Sigh* cow who?

CH: Cows go moo! Not who! Ahahahahaahah! Alright here’s the second one. Knock knock

you: who’s there?

CH: who.

you: who who?

CH: are you an owl or something? ahahahahaa!! Thirds one! Third one! Knock knock!

you: who’s there?

CH: yah!

you: Yah! Who?

CH: I like google better!

you: ???

CH: fourth one. Knock knock!

you: who’s there?

CH: I love

you: I love who?

CH: I love you.

Then all of a sudden he pulls you closer to him and softly kissed your lips. You were too shock to even say a word and just gave in to him.

CH: last one. You’re a girl and we’re friends.

You: that's not even a knock knock.

CH: Just answer me.

you: fine. and so?

CH: does that mean you’re my girlfriend?

You laughed at his cheesiness but loved him at the same time.

"I'd love that." He suddenly carried you bridal style while spinning around shouting how happy he was for today.

“I love you Chanyeol-ah.” You whispered.

“I love you too ____________.”

Sorry it's a bit short but I hope you still enjoyed it! :)

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