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You were on your way to your school when all of a sudden, a text message appeared. It’s from your guitar teacher.

From: Teacher

__________, I want to inform you that I won't be able to attend to our classes for the next three months. I kind of had a car accident and I can’t walk right now. I need some time to rest but don’t worry, there’ll be a substitute teacher waiting for you in our room. Be good and listen to him okay? I hope to see you soon. J

To: Teacher

It’s fine. Just rest and get well soon. I’ll visit you some time after class. Eat well and don’t worry about me. Okay? Zai jian lao shi.

You arrived and ran towards the room you and your teacher always had your lessons. You opened the door with force and saw a guy staring blankly at you and bowed before you came closer to him. He was stunningly hot and gorgeous with his black messy hair.

“uhhhm.. I’m Zhang Yixing by the way.” He scratched his head while awkwardly introducing himself.

“oh.. Nice to meet you Zhang Lao shi. I’m _________. “ you bowed thinking that he looks so young to be called lao shi.

“No need to call me that. Just Lay is fine.” He said as he waved his hands from left to right telling you to not be too formal to him.

“I’m not really a teacher, to be honest. He’s my mother’s brother so that makes me his nephew. I’m just 23 so it’s kind of awkward to call me that since you’re the same age as me.” He explained.

How did he know my age?

“Now let’s get started.” He said showing you some notes without even taking the music book he had beside him. You were really amazed and wasn’t able to pay attention to what he was saying.

“oh. By the way, I-uhh..  Don’t read notes. In fact, I don’t know how. I just listen to a song for several times and that’s how I could learn how to play it.” He explained. You were now twice, no, Thrice as amazed as before. He’s got amazing talent!

“I-It’s fine. I can manage.” You said as you both started the lesson, which ended up smoothly and to be honest, with him, it was easier for you to memorize the whole song. You both would crack a joke in between and would get to know each other from time to time. You saw how cute his dimple is when he smiled for the first time that made you want to make him smile all the time.

“Thanks for today, Zhang.. I mean… Lay.” You bowed and were about to go home but then, Lay stopped you.

“uhhhm… You wanna hang out for a bit? I mean, it’s still early and I really want you to meet my band mates, if it’s okay with you.” Lay asked. You agreed right away thinking it would be interesting to meet new people today.

It was a short walk before you both arrived at the place where they always hang out. He knocked at the door and some yoda dude opened the door looking at Lay first then to you, wide eyes.

“yah! Lay hyung’s girlfriend is here!” He shouted receiving a smack on the head from Lay.

“yah! She’s my uncle’s student. Babo.” Since you were Chinese, you didn’t understand a word both of them said.

“What did he say?” You asked Lay who just smiled at you and told you to come in with him.

“yo! This is ____________ by the way. She’s my uncle’s student, who became my student for the next three months.” He introduced you, which again you didn’t understand but you bowed at them.

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