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You were breathing heavily as you stood up and bowed for the nth time trying to take down your sunbae, even though he’s only a year older, who never gets tired of treating you like a child.

I am twenty freaking one you freak! You mentally shouted only to be taken down by him again.

“I think you need to take a rest. I can feel your muscles tightening already. You don’t want to get muscle cramps do you?” He said attempting to help you but you yanked his hand away and slowly stood up, walking limply towards to the side. You know to yourself that every muscle in your body is on the verge of dying but you still wanted to beat him.

“yah. Are you okay? You’ve been sparring with Tao for several rounds already, you need to slow down. Wushu is not something to be rushed.” Xiumin, who’s on the same boat as you but on a different level, said to comfort you but that didn’t help at all.

“I just don’t like being treated like a kid. I’m more than legal to be treated like one and I’ll prove it to him. Practice with me when I get well.” You said and walked out of the room towards the infirmary. The nurse gave you pain killers and some patches before letting you sleep on one of the beds.

You woke up feeling someone’s finger poking on your cheek. At first, you thought it was just a dream but you felt a slight pain when his nail started to hurt your cheek. Without a second thought, you grabbed his large hand and slowly opened your eyes as you adjust to the brightness of the room.

“What do you think you’re doing Tao?” You said, not having a care if he’s a year older or he’s a sunbae.

“yah. Why aren’t you calling me gege, oppa or sunbae? Huh? I’m older than you. Atleast give some respect _________-ah.” He poked your forehead, which you avoided, and stood up right away to meet with Xiumin.

“Xiumin gege told me you’re planning on practicing with him, so I went here to stop you since you’ve just recovered.” He said plainly but you didn’t give a damn about what he said. You continued to walk away but were only blocked by a long stick he always brings with him. You tried to yank it away but since it was Tao, he gets to block you no matter what you do… while seating three meters away from you.

“Just come here…” He finally stood up and dragged you all the way to your bed.

“and rest. The nurse said you need to rest for three days. That’s what you get for being stubborn.” He lectured but you were too pissed to even listen.

“Yah. You better listen to your sunbae or else-“ You cut him off by saying,

“or else what? What will you do? Huh? See that’s the problem! You always treat me like I can’t do things on my own, like I’m a little girl who would cry just because I scraped my knee over something as stupid as falling down while running when I’m not. I am neither your little sister nor your little playmate you used to defend all the time. I can handle myself now and one day, I’ll beat you and prove to you that I am strong. Got that?!” You shouted as you covered your whole body with a blanket and turned your back against him. You didn’t hear any noise that he stood up and left but you still remained quiet under the covers before drifting into a deep slumber.

After what seemed like forever to you, you woke up seeing a sleeping Tao beside you. So he didn’t leave?Somehow you felt a bit happy that he hadn't left and thought for a moment that he looked astonishingly handsome while sleeping.

YAH! What the hell are you thinking _________! Cut it out! He’s your arch nemesis! You need to win against him, not fall in love with him! Aish! Why did I even say that I’m falling in love with him! Get a hold of yourself ________! You slapped yourself for thinking of something as weird as that.

Three days after…

“where’s everyone?” You asked the moment you entered the room.

“They went to the mountains to meditate.” Tao said while tightening his uniform.

“fine by me.” You said as you did the same.

“Xiumin gege will be there to witness everything so don’t worry.” You turned to look at Xiumin who giddily waved at you. You smiled and waved back before going to your position.

The both of you bowed at each other and started sparring. You’ve been secretly practicing during the three days of rest all by yourself to make sure you could really beat him this time. Tao seemed to be having fun playing with you with his effortless moves.

“Don’t hold back.” You said.

“I’m not so give it your all.” He said. You breathed deeply before increasing the speed of your punches and kicks which widened Tao’s eyes. It was evident that he was surprised by your sudden speed and force and finally…

You were able to pin him down.

“Winner! ________-ah!” Xiumin said as you smiled at Tao victoriously before he pulled you towards him and crashed his lips on yours.

“aish! Don’t make babies in front of me!” Xiumin said as he hurriedly ran outside to give you two some privacy.

“What was that for?” You asked rather softly when he pulled away.

“That’s my way of congratulating you for beating me and..” He pinned you down and once again kissed you softly and pulled away after a couple of seconds.

“That’s how I express my love for you.” He said. All the strength you gathered a while ago seemed to have flushed down that you can’t even break free from his grasp.

“Wha-what are you saying?” You looked away from him knowing you’ll blush the moment your eyes meet.

“I’m telling you I love you. Do you love me back?” He said with a smile on his face.

“Yah! I know you’re only doing this just to take advantage of a woman’s weakness but sorry to tell you…” You gathered all your strength again and managed to pin him down again.

“I’m not like other girls out there.” You said but he was still smiling at you.

“That’s what I love about you. You’re not like any other girls; you’re strong and stubborn at the same time and I love those sides of you. I love the way you try so hard to beat me, I kind of find it cute. I get all weak whenever you challenge me for a battle but I try so hard not to get emotional when I’m fighting with you. I just love everything about you; can’t you just let that sink in your mind? It’s really hard to explain while you’re digging your nails on my hands.” He said. With that, you automatically released him, getting that opportunity to pin you down once again.

“yah! That’s cheating!” You shouted.

“no It's not. I thought you wanted to beat me so bad but why did you let go when I told you you’re hurting me? Does it mean you feel something for me that made you release me that easily? Tell me, are you-“ You didn’t let him finish and shouted,

“FINE! Yes! I feel the same way about you! I just don’t want to accept the fact that… I… fell for you...” You whispered at the latter part but shouted “babo!” at the end.

“I didn’t hear you.” He leaned closer and accidentally loosen his grip letting you have the opportunity to pin him down and kissed him.

“I said I love you babo.” You whispered and stood up efore helping the poor panda.

“and I love you too _______.”

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