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It was one of your typical Saturdays where you'd go to your favorite Library and randomly pick a very interesting book to read while drinking your favorite cappuccino from there as well. It was one of your favorite place in the world where you could just forget about the problems you're currently facing and the dramatic people you're always with. (those whom you consider as fake friends...)

As the scent of your well brewed cappuccino started to linger all over the place, you noticed someone from behind you, maybe getting a book from the bookshelf. You felt him slowly walking away then decided to focus on the book you're currently reading once again.

After what seemed like minutes for you, but truly it has been three hours, you decided to find another book which happens to be out of your reach. You tried jumping which caused you a mini heart attack as it swayed back and forth twice. Luckily, it didn't cause you trouble.

You were about to give up when a hand suddenly reached for the book you're trying to get, effortlessly and handed it to you. He was really tall, maybe about six foot three, that you were literally looking way up just to see his face. "gomawo" you said shyly since he was smiling down on you. Tired of looking down and maybe concerned about how would you feel when you would move your neck to face front, he decided to sit on your chair so you two could talk at the same level. "he is so cute in this angle. Those cute ears of his and the way he smiles. Just who is this guy? and why hasn't he left yet?" You thought to yourself.

"Hi. I'm Park Chanyeol by the way. Well, I just wanted to return this to you since you left it on the book I was reading last week. I waited for you here everyday but, you just came in today so.. here's your bookmark" he said as he handed you the purple bookmark that has a purple yarn attached at the top of it. you took it and bowed before telling your name.

"It may sound a bit weird but... I have noticed you from the first time I uhh.. worked here till now. I was just uhh.. too shy to approach you till now." He said as he scratched the back part of his head. You giggled as you saw his cheeks turn light pink as you sat beside him. "so now that you finally had the courage to talk to me, how about we start out as friends? hmm?" You said. You also noticed the disappointed look on his face but later changed when you whispered... "while working out on being more than that over a cup of coffee every afternoon right here. Is that good?" You said. You were sure that you were the one in control but lost when all of a sudden, he kissed you on your cheek and whispered "how about we start right now?" and smiled as he left to get himself a hot cup of cappuccino himself.

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