..What The Fuck pt 2...

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Rest in peace to Jahseh. I love you so much. I'm taking time like all the other fans. I've been crying since I found out. I'm so hungry but I feel if I eat I might puke.

I hate to say it cause it's so fucked up.

Jahseh is out of the story. I'll be fixed and adding things when I get back. I know he was a big part of the story but I'll figure it out.

I'm not doing this because I'm a fake fan. I'm doing this because I can't stand to look at a book everyday and see someone I looked up to and thought so highly of in it.

Yes this is a Gustav book. Yes Gustav passed away, but no I didn't make this book right when he passed. I was grieving. I made this book to heal.

In the future I'll probably make Jahseh a book to heal. But it will be quite awhile because I'm so heart broken.

Again, Rest in paradise to Jahseh. My heart, prayers and thoughts go out to his friends and family. I love you Jahseh. I'm so sorry.

I was trying to go to bed. I can't look at all of this anymore and now my girlfriend... I guess she's my ex now got really fucking mad. Fuck this. I'm done.

You have to have a lot of hate in your heart to leave a girl when she lost a person she loved. When she even told you that person was gone. You gotta a lot of hate f****. (I blurred it out, bc some people in my life know her and shit and today is now Jahseh's day which for me is about to be for positivity.)

Today is for positivity. Everyday on the 18th. Positivity only. It's would Jahseh would have wanted. Please pray for his friend's and family. Please grieve.

Thank you all for your constant love and support. I'm going to go pray and cry. I love you guys. Thank you.

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