Chapter 3: Holding my breath

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*Chapter 3 - collaborated with code_breaker_00*

The pain is still there, no strength in my arms, it seems I'm laying on something soft and warm. It smells like the ocean, so calm and peaceful; from my toe to my chest I am covered under a thick blanket, it feels like home. As I open my eyes, the light from the window is so bright, I took sometime to focus on my surroundings... it looked familiar. 

The room is very basic, it is blue and empty - white shelves filled with books, a guitar in a corner with a surf board up above and a neat study desk to my right. My head still hurts and I can still hear ringing in my ears, but I tried to remember what had happened before i lost conscious.

Someone is walking up the stairs, its soft but there's a ruffling sound of a puffy jacket. I close my eyes before the person enters the room and I pretend to be asleep. In a distance, I hear my dog and someone lightly speaking:

"I guess the hit must be really bad, for her to be knocked out for three hours..."

This is Theo's voice! I snap my eyes open to see him standing next to his study desk with my dog in his arms.

"Three hours?!" I yell in disbelief.

He chuckled.

Theo placed my dog down and walked closer to the bed to crouch down 'til he was the same level as me. He leaned in close, so close, I noticed his face had small freckles and that his hair wasn't black but a really dark shade of brown with light brown streaks, his lashes are long and his lips are really pink and soft.

 We looked into each other's eyes and he then gave out a big sigh of relief. For a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me, but he lifted his hands up and measured my forehead temperature to see whether I was okay.

I was confused and sick and hungry. Was he the one who helped me?

"How am I here?" I ask.

"I carried you here."

"Were the person that helped me back ...there?"

"No, yes, I don't know"


"Your friend Angela noticed that you were being followed and chased by some guy, and luckily he knew me and rang my phone and told me that you could be possibly at the bakery. My friend and I went over to the local bakery as fast as possible, hoping you will be alright...but I was completely wrong.. haha"

"This is no nothing matter! So I assume your friend knocked the guy out?"

"Y'know it could have been me, I feel hurt" He let out a sniff. "We also noticed your dog was pacing up and down the block a few times like he needed help, so we dashed over. We carried him with us, we literally carried him. It was hilarious."

I just stared at him. honestly so rude. He just finds everything funny, even in serious situations.

I am stunned, only my dog is the hero.

"WOW! My beloved dog rescued me! Good girl!" directly teasing Theo while I was thanking my dog.

Then I remembered how, my mother would always be there helping me through difficult times but now, it's just me. No one to depend on. Tears are falling down my cheeks, I silently cry as I don't want Theo to suspect anything. Theo is always there for me but being dependent on him will only cause me stress. I can't be seen as someone weak.

A hand is placed on my shoulder and my whole body is spun around to face an awaiting Theo, my face red and ugly, my tears still falling down, my eyes are stingy and fast short breaths. I see worry in Theo's eyes, he apologized and asked what's wrong. He sits on the bed facing opposite me, patting and stroking my shoulders to calm me down. I don't let out a single word while he tries to make me speak.

My little hand in his big hands, our eye lock. Theo stops making faces and just looks at my ugly crying face.

As I close my eyes out of tiredness, I feel his breath closing in near my face, I slowly open my eyes and there's his face. He tilts my head with his beautiful hands and leans in. 

I face the other way, but he grabs my cheeks and pull it close to his lips, and we kiss. My eyes wide open and his shut, I panicked and try to push his shoulders away.

This is my first kiss, my first kiss with Theo?! I didn't know how it was done so I held my breath. His lips left mine and told me to breathe. I gasped and Theo chuckled.

I feel his hand creeping from my thigh to my stomach, then he slipped his hand up underneath my shirt, his warm hands touching my skin, his eyes is locked onto mine. His hand goes higher and his leans his face closer...

I close my eyes and pout ready for the kiss.

I hear him laugh, as I peek my eyes open. 

    "Hey, what are you doing?"  

I was so close to saying that I was waiting for a kiss but then I realized I had spaced out and had dirty thoughts of him and I in his room. 

It sucked, it seemed so real.

Yet, the feeling of being touched was real, his hand was there but on top of my shirt poking at my flabs.

    "Flabbo...what were you dreaming of? Me?"  He teased.

I blush and striked his face. 

But with his sudden reflex, he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand close to his lips and licked my fingers, as he stared at me. His eyes, I can totally die to see him look at me like that again.

Fuck...I didn't know Theo could be like this. I guess he is a grown kid, but like...I can't deny this feeling but this is absolutely gross.

I gave Theo a bitch glare and he instantly pulled away then began shuffling around and finally starting to leave. 

I had mixed feelings of him leaving so I grabbed him by the sleeve and he fell back onto the bed. 

With the unexpected fall, his body was half leaning on the edge of the bed and me. His lips forced onto mine. My thoughts running everywhere and my heart beating simultaneously, as I reacted by grabbing his head and not letting go. 

I saw him blush real hard, but he looked uncomfortable. Once I loosen my grip, he ran out of his room. He was probably shocked. 

To be honest, I've liked Theo ever since forever, but he's so distant and unpredictable. Which I find incredibly attractive. Sometimes I don't even know if he has feelings for me or that he just sees me as his childhood friend and teases me because he likes to see my reactions. 

Theo is a bit pesky  for a 17  year old guy but still cute. We're only a few months a part but sometimes I feel like he's only five.

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