Chapter 6: Hide and seek

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I had a sleepover at Charlotte's house, we played board games and watch a series of movies before we fell asleep. In the morning, we ate breakfast and made a forte in the living room, going in for another binge of Disney movies. When Theo's friends crash the house, one by one they rang the doorbell.

By the time all of them showed up at the house and helping build the forte, Theo came out of the shower. Shirtless, fresh out of the shower, just with a towel wrapped around his waist. I'm drooling. 

Everyone had a hint that I liked Theo and teased me.

    "Hey Phoebe! Wanna see his ****?!" Laughed one of the guys.

    "Should we take the towel off? Hahahaha"

    "Phoebe, open your eyes, it's a beautiful sight!"

As Theo turned to go get changed, one of his friends tugged on the towel, and it slipped. I was too embarrassed and missed the opportunity to see his booties. 

In the house, there are eight include Charlotte and I, the forte doesn't fit everyone so we skipped the plan of binge watching. We discussed what we should do, since it was a public day, there wasn't any shops that was open so we had to improvised.

In the end, we agreed to play a game, we thought it fun since the house was two-story house high. For hide-and-seek, we got into random pairs and that the first pair that was formed was the chaser. Out of sheer luck, I was paired with Theo.

I thought we could possibly win this game, since we both grew up in this house. We hid in a small cupboard under the stair case, there were enough room if we moved some of the brooms and dust pan into a corner. 

It was a lot more cramped than I thought, we both had to bend our knees and back to fit inside the cupboard. My heart was beating so fast as I sat in between his legs, his arms on his knees, You could say, I felt safe.

In the silence, my heart was beating so loud, I worried that Theo would be able to hear it. 

While we could hear the game being played outside, I was eager to poke my head out to see whether it was safe to move to another location. I shuffled around to get to the door of the cupboard.

    "Don't move, we will get caught" whispered Theo.

    "I doubt it, I'm just peeping"  I said as I continued to shuffle around to have a better view.


    "Relax....They won't see-"

THUD. Theo pulled me back into his arms and wrapped his arms around my body, ensuring that I wasn't able to move. I heard Theo breathing heavily so I titled my head slightly upwards to have a view of Theo's nostrils, I blew in some air, thought he needed some oxygen because he can get claustrophobic in tight places.

I checked my phone, I confirmed to Theo that we have been hiding for 30 minutes straight, I was suffering from pins and needles, and I didn't know whether Theo was getting uncomfortable too. His back was leaning on some shelves with my back leaning against his chest.

    "Do you want me to move?"

    "Are you uncomfortable?"

    "Wouldn't your back hurt after all this time leaning on the shelves?" 

Throwing questions at Theo hoping for him to give a response. But, I gave up after a while and started to doze off.


    "Where do you think Theo and Phoebe are hiding? It's been an hour."  Said a male voice, outside the doors of the cupboard.

    "We've found everyone except for those two..." 

    "Maybe they're doing some dirty things...Hahaha!"  Said another male voice.

I woke up to Theo nudging me on the shoulders. I didn't know how long we were hiding for but it felt like a long time. I suggested we came out from our hiding spot and did something else as a group. But Theo suggested otherwise. 

We stayed in the same position and waited for someone to find us. Sitting between his legs and playing with his fingertips.

Eventually, we were found by Charlotte and the game was officially over. To be honest, the game would have been over heaps earlier if we hadn't stayed back.

*The next chapter won't be out for a bit since the story is going to be long*

*Hope you guys are enjoying where Phoebe's story is going right now, stay tune for what happens next*

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