Chapter 13: In my arms

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I'm finally back.


Phoebe is finally back, can't wait for the drama to begin.


Phoebe is back...

Kayla looks upset. But I get to be with her for another week until we go our seperate ways. She looks so little, her arms linked around mine as we walk into class.

Phoebe hasn't arrived to school yet, she texted me that she would come late, she's still jet lagged.

But one thing that I noticed when I got to to school, people around us gave us death stares, whispering and not even wavering at us like usual.

I brushed it off.


I hadn't noticed anything different. But apparently, one of my friends went and printed out pictures of Jason and Kayla making out in various places of the school and stuck it around school. 

He had also upload some videos onto the web. He said if anyone was to be blame it would be him. 

During home period, I checked my phone and logged onto the web that my friend uploaded on, he had already recieved hundreds of views in a matter of a few hours. I looked over at Jason and he had no clue what was happening around him.

Even Kayla's friends didn't show her the videos or pictures, she just sat in her seat looking all clueless.

    "Dude, I think this gonna go viral before she arrives here" I whisper to my neighbor.

    "LMAO, I'm screaming. I don't know how she's gonna react. I heard that he's gonna break it off with Phoebe next week."

We sat in our seats laughing and making up scenarios of what was going to happen when Phoebe steps into class.


I walk into school, it's quiet. I get to school several minutes before the first break. So I wonder around.

I open Jason's locker and stuffed a bunch of stuffed toys and a card that I bought from Singapore, inside the card wrote how much I appreciated him.

I walk further and finally got to my locker, it was empty like how I left it before I went to Singapore.



All class has finished, I see Kayla in a distance putting her hand on someone's chest and leaning in for a kiss when suddenly, my friend appeared and took me away.

We talked and laughed about my trip in Singapore for two weeks.

    "...Hey, I don't think you have seen this, but take a look" said one of my friends.

My friend opened her phone where a video had uploaded on a web that had hundreds of views. I was so shock, nearly in tears when I learnt that Jason had cheated on me with the school bitch.

I played it cool for about a few days, until he said he wanted to meet me up at a park after school.

I had told my friends to come along with me, hide somewhere near until I gave them a signal.


I was dragged along to a park after school, where I saw Phoebe's friends hiding behind a bush with a bucket of blue paint and a packets of feather and glitter.

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