Chapter 5: Cupcakes

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[From this chapter onward, POV of male characters will be introduced]

*First day back at school*

In the morning, Theo's parents would drive me to school as they would always do.  The school was the closest to our area, and yet it took 45 minutes. We lived in a rich neighborhood and it was safe. The news rarely mentioned our neighborhood as nothing major like cars being lit on fire, houses being egged or robberies happened. 

It gets boring sometimes. 

Charlotte sat in the front next to her mother singing along with the music on the radio and gossiped about anyone, Theo and I sat at the back silent. It was always like this. We liked the peace and quiet of not talking in the morning.


I sat in class, waiting for our homeroom teacher to walk and start the morning. While waiting for him, my friends and I talked about what we did and if anything important had happened to us. Since I only had two friends left, I unfortunately sat alone as each table could only fit two chairs.

The teacher finally walked into class, but he didn't shut the door behind him.

    "Sir! You forgot to close the door!"  Alex, the nerd of the school, yelled. You'd think he was a nobody but he was actually very popular among the school. Alex is known as the 'Human Calculator'. He came 1st in all Maths competition around the state.

    "Hahahaha...Nah Alex, there's a new student. I'll introduce him to you guys soon." Our home room teacher was a very laid back person, you could say  that he was the best teacher out of the whole school.

I sat in my desk and took a glance around the classroom when I accidentally made eye contact with Theo who sat diagonally across from me. I was only person sitting by themselves, so the new student would probably be stuck with me for the rest of remaining year.

As the teacher wrapped up, he called out to the student, who was waiting outside. When the student stepped in, all the girls gasped and moans. Which I found really disgusting and annoying.

    "Settle down everyone. Kayla! Bottom down mouth shut!" Kayla was the slut of the school, she slept or tried to sleep with all the guys in year 11. She's also a bitch, every girl's worst nightmare - she thinks its absolutely fine to steal your boyfriend.

    "...This was the new student that I was talking about earlier. Please introduce yourself."

    "Um.. Hello everyone. So name is ...uh Jason, I transferred here from my old school. Heard this place has the best cafeteria. Ok. I'm done, thanks for listening"

The teacher pointed at the empty seat next to me and motioned him to sit there.


As I made my way to my seat, I see a beautiful girl. She pulls out my seat and gives me a smile. I think I'm going blind, her smile is blinding me. Thank God for blessing me to sit next to her. 

We talked and I couldn't take my eyes off her. Our conversation was going smooth when I blurted out my inner thoughts.

    "...You're really cute. Y'know?"

Her face went red and she looked so small and cute. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was dying. 

Like a saying: Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, I believe in love at first sight.


At break, I gave Jason a tour around the school as instructed, not to mention, the teacher told me to be with him for a month so he could get used to the area.

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