**Chapter 16: Hiding [I Kidnapped the Pope for You, so...]

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cHAptEr 16:
[i kidnAppEd thE pOpE fOr yOUr sAkE, sO yOU gOttA hELp mE EscApE nOw]


   MIKHAEL WAS often the reckless type of guy who can't be bothered to care about the consequences of his actions even though he knows that they'll be detrimental for his future. In any case, no matter how terrible the odds are, as long as he uses brute strength — he'll be able to deal with them!

And Half-bloods themselves are creatures that cannot be killed no matter how extreme methods one employed — unless they failed to pass through their own Deep Slumber.

So to Mikhael — since death is never an option — nothing else could be considered a terrible outcome. And even if he somehow did end up dying... Well, he won't have a consciousness capable of regretting it after that point, anyway!

He whined about regretting his bad decisions after the shit has been done and all, but he never really took his problems seriously. It's always been just a bit of hassle to his already not-so-peaceful life — but everything would turn out to be just fine afterwards, so he never truly learnt his lesson.

Which is why!

Even now, when he looks back on this trouble that stems from him helping a single girl who would've probably been fine on her own — since those W.E.R.P. agents appeared just as he got tangled in that mess — he didn't consider the situation as the end of the world.

Anyway, Mikhael was calm enough to think about setting up two Purebloods just so that he can run away successfully, so he was fine. But that this whole situation came to be just because he was stingy, it was already something that left him with a sour aftertaste.

Mikhael was anything but poor!

Not only did he have enough money to buy an entire city, he even had a majestic island on his own in the era where everything belongs to everyone! And no, he wasn't joking; even graves might belong to at least six different families, so that they won't get lonely later on. Every patch of land has probably been resold so many times that even data on country borders are of dubious origins. After all, it's the "you move it one inch in my territory, I move it another two inches in yours later on" kind of situation in this century.

Even the moon doesn't have a single stone unowned by various groups!

"My island is mine alone, thankfully." Speaking of that island — it's not like Mikhael actually bought it with money — but the story behind it is even more valuable than gold itself.

It all happened a few centuries ago while pirates were a thing.

So Mikhael, fearing neither the pirates nor the wide ocean, went to fish for sharks — yes, sharks — on one wonderful stormy noon in summer. As for the reason why he did something so ridiculous, he recalls that it had something to do with a spell he needed a white shark's heart for while simultaneously having to finish a side task to kill some French vampire that was in marines for the Hunters HQ.

To Mikhael, although hunting vampires brought money he was yet to start loving in those days — spells and enjoying life were of greater importance.

It was only after piratery corrupted him that he started to be stingy.

And seeing as it was convenient to pick up a shark or two while waiting for that guy on the sea, he decided to just do it all together. Anyway, marines were almost always on the sea, so he couldn't locate that guy that had already gone MIA even if he wanted to, but sharks were faster to find!

In the end, it turned out to be the right decision.

So, just as he was about to catch the shark, a person just so conveniently happened to float by on a piece of wood. Mikhael just so conveniently happened to catch the person with his hook — yes, he used an ordinary fishing rod to catch those sharks — and he also conveniently happened to save the guy.

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