3 - Destruction

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"Tony, I could've handled it. With no casualties. I could've-"

"Kid, no. We're on thin ice, we don't need the government coming after you and Steve. Not to mention the government coming after you again."


He walked away.


"You know, when you said we were going to Berlin I thought you meant on vacation. Not to bail Steve and Sam out." You complain

You watched as Bucky's pod is carried away by a forklift. Nearby Steve gets out of a SUV and glances across at Bucky who doesn't seem to spot him. With Sam and T'Challa, Steve approaches Sharon Carter who's standing with a gray-head man. You remembered him, Everett Ross. You approach the group.

"What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asks.

"Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition." Everett says sharply.

"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." Sharon voices.

"What about our lawyer?" Steve asks her.

"Lawyer. That's funny. See their weapons are placed in lockup. Oh, we'll write you a receipt." Everett says sarcastically

"I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." Sam mumbles.


You finally see Tony again, you were going to argue with him more but he was on the phone, and it sounded important, "No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup."

"Try not to break anything while we fix this." Nat says, she pats your back, but you can't tell if she's talking to your or Steve.

You continue to listen to Tony's conversation, "Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir."

"'Consequences'?" Steve asks, looking at you, then Tony.

"Secretary Ross wants you all prosecuted. Had to give him something." Tony rubs his temples.

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve frowns.

"Technically, it's the government's property. Almost the same with ______. Wings, too."

"That's cold." You and Sam mutter.

"Warmer than jail, kid- and same for you Sam."


You spot Tony and Steve in a glass office together. You slide the door open and listen intently, eavesdropping, as usual.

"Hey, you wanna see something cool? I pulled something from Dad's archives. Felt timely."

Tony shows him two pens in a black presentation box.

"FDR signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support to the Allies when they needed it most." Tony says, admiring the collection.

"Some would say it brought our country closer to war." Steve combats.

"See? If not for these, you wouldn't be here. I'm trying to... What do you call it? That's an olive branch. Is that what you call it?" Tony says trying to lighten the mood. They still haven't seemed to notice you.

"Is Pepper here? I didn't see her."

"We're kinda... Well, not kinda..."

"Pregnant?" Steve asked, interested.

"No. Definitely not. We're taking a break. ______, I've been so worried about her, but...It's nobody's fault."

"I'm so sorry, Tony. I didn't know."

"A few years ago, I almost lost _____, but then I almost lost Pepper too, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA... and then Ultron. My fault. And then, and then, and then, I never stopped. Because the truth is I don't wanna stop. I don't wanna lose them. I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference. I think maybe the accords can protect _____. Protect the life she deserves."

You stifle a cry, you didn't know about any of this. Tony stands up and paces.

"In her defense, I'm a handful. In _____'s defense my dad was a was a pain in the ass too, but he and mom always made it work."

"You know, I'm glad Howard got married. I only knew him when he was young and single." Steve reminisces.

"Oh, really? You two knew each other? He never mentioned that. Maybe only a thousand times. God, I hated you."

"I don't mean to make things difficult." Steve says honestly.

"I know, because you're a very polite person."

"If I see a situation pointed south... I can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could."

"No, you don't." Tony says.

Steve smiles thinly. " No, I don't. Sometimes..."

"Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth. But I don't wanna see you gone. We need you, Cap. So far, nothing's happened that can't be undone, if you sign. We can make the last 24 hours legit. Barnes gets transferred to an American psych-center... instead of a Wakandan prison."

Steve frowns thoughtfully and picks up one of the fountain pens. He stands up and paces, then turns to Tony. In the control room beyond there are multiple screens on the walls. "I'm not saying it's impossible, but there would have to be safeguards. Tony, what about _____? We're protecting the very people that want to have her locked up, have her be just like Bucky, a mindless soldier."

"Sure. Once we put out the PR fire, those documents can be amended. And about ______ this is better for her, she can be a normal kid, I'd look after her and then I'd file a motion to have you and Wanda reinstated..."

"Wanda? What about Wanda?"

"She's fine. She's confined to the compound, currently. Vision's keeping her company."

"Oh God, Tony! Every time. Every time I think you see things the right way..."

"What? It's a 100 acres with a lap pool. It's got a screening room. There's worse ways to protect people."

"Protection? Is that how you see this? This is protection? It's internment, Tony. How do I know your won't do it to the kid next?" Steve says seriously.

"She's not a US citizen. And _____ she's one! And _____ comes when she's called, we know her."

"Oh, come on, Tony. _____'s not a U.S. citizen they consider her U.S. property!"

"Sorry they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction if they already currently have one in the country."

"Wanda's a kid too!"

"GIVE ME A BREAK! I'm doing what has to be done... to stave off something worse."

Steve nods faintly. "You keep telling yourself that." He puts the pen down. "Hate to break up the set." He leaves the office.

If he notices you he doesn't say.

Tony sits down, sighs and rubs his temples.

"Tony?" You mutter.

"Oh my god, kid. How long have you been..." he notices the tears across your face.

He hugs you.

Then the power shuts off.

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