Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

His bedroom was bigger than his old one back home. It was painted in a moody shade of blue and gray with low lighting and a small walk-in closet. It suited him well, almost perfect, except for the fact that he hated this new place.

Lenny looked around his new space as he brushed his teeth and propped down on his bed. He stared up at the old fluorescent light fixture up on the ceiling. Earlier that day, he tried turning it on to check if it still worked but all he managed to do was to get it to shoot sparks everywhere until he thought he'd set the house on fire.

Sighing, he stood up from his bed. He wasn't at all bothered by the dark anyway. He did kind of like his new room. He just can't shake off that eerie feeling he's had ever since he'd been here, that odd feeling in the pit of his stomach.

His head jerked towards his bedroom window. It was the only window in his room and unfortunately, it was faced directly at that creepy house across. In fact, what he discovered that almost every window was set facing the house across the street so there was no way he could avoid seeing it even in his own house.

They didn't have any more nearby neighbors aside from the one across the street. In fact, the houses in their area were situated almost a mile away from each other. He was exaggerating, he knew that. He could only see a few houses in sight but other than that, he wasn't so sure if people even lived there. And they were surrounded by woods. It wouldn't even surprise Lenny if some random grizzly bears suddenly appeared in their backyard, knocking on their back door.

Lenny walked towards the window to pull down the shutters. He couldn't stomach the sight of the creepy old house.

He leaned in towards the window. It was dark down the street outside. The only source of light was coming from an old street lamp that gave out a dim yellowish hue. The house across them was dark as well without a single light on not even on the outside.

It was just about half past nine but the street was empty and quiet just as it's been earlier that day. He wondered if they even had actual neighbors living around in here. The other houses did have some lights on and it was enough to convince him that there were.

He though he saw a silhouette of a man standing by the street near the lamp post until he heard a noise from somewhere down the street. Lenny peered through the darkness. The old street light didn't do much help as he scanned the dark street. His vision caught a figure moving along the shadows. Lenny pressed his face against the window and narrowed his eyes.

The figure was of a young man, not the one he saw moments ago. He was sure. Maybe the silhouette he saw earlier was just a product of Lenny's imagination what with the dark playing on his mind.

The young man's back faced Lenny. The rest of him, Lenny couldn't see, as if he were part of the darkness surrounding him. Lenny couldn't even see whatever the guy was doing. For some reasons, he suddenly had a really odd feeling as he watched the guy in the dark. His skin began to prickle as goosebumps ran up along his arms and the back of his neck. What the hell was the guy doing out there in the dead of the night?

Was that a huge plastic garbage bag? What was inside there? Could it be? His mind was racking from having had watched too much murder and mysteries show.

What if the guy was hiding something in there? What if it was a dead body?

The guy paused, as if sensing that he was being watched. Slowly, his head turns around. Lenny held his breath.

He was a hundred percent sure now that the guy was a psychopath and it was pretty awesome and terrifying at the same time.

The guy stared straight into him with a piercing, icy glare that sent shivers down Lenny's spine. The streetlight illuminated half of his face, revealing a long pale face.

The young man was staring straight into Lenny's eyes, straight into Lenny's soul and he felt it.

He wanted to run but he his whole body was frozen, his feet rooted to the floor. He couldn't move. The guy drops the bag from his hand down the ground and walked silently across the street towards their front porch.

If he was Juliet and that guy was Romeo trying to woo her from below with sugary sweet words, it could've been better.

The guy held his gaze and from his lips, a small smirk appeared as his pale lips curved upwards.

A homicidal maniac's grin.

His teeth glinted in the faint light. Was that his canine tooth? Was Lenny hallucinating or was it really long and pointed?

Instantly, Lenny quickly pulled down the shutters and dove into his bed, hiding deep under the covers.

The guy was batshit scary and he almost pissed himself. He took a shaky deep breath and mopped his forehead. He was sweating buckets of cold sweat and his fingers were cold and trembling. He stayed on his bed unmoving for a while until he realized that his mouth was still frothy and tasted of cool spearmint. Why did this place have to be so creepy?

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