Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Lenny trudged slowly towards his new school, trying hard to blend in with the sea of students surging everywhere. He watched each and every one as they passed by around him. He cringed. He disliked how all their noisy chatters hurt his ears.

It was almost halfway to the end of the semester and it felt weird being the new kid. He could feel eyes watching him as he walked. He was definitely sure he was not going to like his new school.

He squeezed through other kids as he tried to find his locker, then stuffing all his stuffs in when he found it. He was going to be the lonely new guy but it didn't matter. There's no point in making new friends anyway.

A couple of unruly boys barged into him as they wrestled around the hall, knocking down all his books. He watched them and swung his arms to his side wearily when they didn't even bother to apologize or even acknowledge him.

Groaning, he bent to pick them all up and sighed. To make matters worse, the school bell rang, signaling for the start of classes. Students cleared the hall, heading on towards their homerooms while he stood there like an idiot alone in the hall.

He rolled his eyes. It was definitely not a good day for him. Scooping up his stuffs, he ran a hand through his hair, trying to act cool but frantically searching for his classroom.

He found it and barged inside without knocking, attracting all eyes into him. A middle aged bearded man paused mid-lecture with his arm half raised towards the chalkboard and faced Lenny.

"And you must be?" he asked.

He blinked and tried to fumble out words to say. "The new kid," Lenny finally blurted out and realized his mistake. "I mean, Lenny. Lenny Clarke."

He felt his cheeks going warm when a couple of students snickered.

Great, he thought. First day of school and you're going to be the laughingstock.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Clarke," the teacher nodded while eyeing the registrar on his desk and gestured towards a seat. "There's a vacant chair by the front. Why don't you go and make yourself comfortable in there, eh?"

Lenny reluctantly complied. The only vacant seat was right next to a weird scrawny kid with braces who seemed happy to have him as a seat mate. He plopped down on his desk and shifted uncomfortably.

A paper airplane soared through the air and hit him on his nape. He reached out for his neck as the airplane landed on his desk smoothly, then turning to find where it came from, spotting a boy with bright red hair sitting at the far back end of the room.

The boy was wore a black leather jacket very similar with Lenny's. The boy smiled, nodding at him. He blinked and turned back around to unfold the paper airplane, reading the note inside.

Welcome to hell.

The boy still smirked, leaning forward on his seat and watching him interestedly. Lenny turned back around slowly while he crumpled the paper on his hand.

He really was sure he just entered hell and sure is not looking forward for it.

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