Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Lenny sat in his bed in the dark, flicking a lit matchstick over and over his fingers. The flame casted a dim glow as he twirled it around and around then blew it off. He watched the smoke disperse upwards; curling towards the ceiling until it fully disappeared. He inhaled deeply and plopped down on his bed.

He could hear Linda's footsteps from the hall as she headed down to her own room. Light from outside seeped through the crack on his door and he waited until the lights turned off. Linda was going to sleep.

He was bored and he had nothing to do than to lie in bed and listen to the quietness of the night.

Closing his eyes, he took in all the silence. He could hear the crickets quietly chirping outside, the wind gently whistling, and his own steady breathing. The night was soothing to him. Darkness was his friend.

Lenny opened his eyes and saw a glint of light on his ceiling. His eyebrows knitted together and his arm momentarily reached for the faint glow of light but it moved away. He sat upright on his bed.

Where was the light coming from?

The fragment of light moved around his room slowly and steadily. Following it with his gaze, he realized that it was coming from outside. Lenny slowly turns his head around towards his window and he saw it.

There on the other house, by the window that was directly facing his'.

The Schlotterstein's house.

The light was coming from there. Inside the dark room, Lenny could see orbs of faint bluish and white lights floating around. They danced around lazily as they glowed faintly then brightly.

Lenny opened the window and gripped the window pane as the wind blew strands of his hair. He stared in awe at the weird lights, though he had no idea what those were. It creeped him out but somehow he was mesmerized by the lights. He felt odd but in a good way. Watching the lights cleared his mind, made him feel light, as if giving him sense of tranquility.

After a little while, the lights died down and everything went dark again. The wind moaned and whistled through his ears.

Everything was once again sad and gloomy.

He pulled his head back inside and shut his window. Whatever those lights were, they were weirdly creepy. As he closed his window, his eye caught sight of a tall man standing right outside the Schlottersteins. He paused and peered into the darkness outside. He couldn't make out any features from the man as he peered except for the long coat he wore and a hat over his head. The man just stood there, watching. He was watching the house. Just like a creepy stalker.

Lenny slowly stepped away from the window and retired back to his bed. His hand felt clammy from sweating and they were shaking. What if that weird man from outside turned out to be serial killer? What if he decided to come knocking on their door instead?

Why did he always think about serial killers and psychopaths?

He shook his head and smacked his forehead to shake off the thoughts. He was being ridiculous. Maybe it was all in his head, he was in fact exhausted from the day. Maybe he was seeing things. But something told him that he wasn't. Gathering all his courage, he managed to go back and press his face against the window.

The street was empty, except for those dim street lights that shone over the pavement. The man was gone.

He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the blankets over his head, willing himself to sleep. The town is officially creepy and freaky, weird shit is everywhere and it's giving him the chills. 

*Author's Note*

Have you been enjoying the story so far? Which character did you like the most?  

So, I've been thinking and having second thoughts with the Schlotterstein's family name. I wasn't so sure how I came up with it until I realized I've read it somewhere across the internet. If you like it though or if you have any suggestions please let me know. (Personally, I like it, though.) What do you think?

Thank y'all to my readers, thank you for taking your time in reading my book and don't forget to leave a vote. Love lots!

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