Author's Note

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Hi, y'all, it's me Jules!

So, as you see this story is still on going and under (heavy) editing but I'm trying my best to update as much as possible. Alright, so as I was editing I've realized something really, really grave.

I've forgotten and left out one (supposedly striking, jk) character. Mac. Remember? Lenny's pet cockatiel? He was supposed to be in most parts of the story because he too plays a really important role and I totally forgot about that. My apologies. I really am sorry. (I'm only part human, I make mistakes. Like all the time.)

I might have to re-edit some chapters whe I have the time, I apologize for the inconvenience but I really hope you're enjoying the story so far. 😄

Have you any suggestions? Feedback? If so, I'd gladly like to know. Don't forget to leave a vote and share this story. Love y'all! 💕

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