Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Ten

So, she was a Schlotterstein? He couldn't believe it. The girl whom he couldn't take away from his mind was related to the creepy freaks next door. She was one of them.

Why hadn't he suspected it at first?

He groaned and rested his head on his fists.


And he was starting to think that some things were somehow a bit fine in this place. Sitting from his bed, he sighed and walked over towards his window. The house on the other side of the street looked the same as before to him, but one thing wasn't quite the same.

He spent the whole day lounging in his bedroom racking his brain up about the realization that Maura was a Schlotterstein. How worse could things go now?

Everything was driving him crazy.

He peered through his window and caught his breath when he noticed something strange outside.

There was a man lingering alone by the pavement. He stood unmoving in his place in a long coat and a fedora shielding his face. He looked harmless enough but what on earth would he be doing down the street at night? And it looked like he was loitering just right in front of their lovely neighbor's house.

Wandering serial killers wasn't hot on the news these days, but you'll never know. He was all alone in his house, with Linda working on her night shift. What could possibly go wrong?

Everything could possibly go wrong.

Fighting the urge not to race downstairs and dial 911 on the phone, Lenny studied the man. He was practically doing nothing apart from standing. He must be checking the perimeter. He could be a burglar. Was he planning to steal from the Schlottersteins?

Lenny scoffed. Jokes on him, it'd be a wonder if he could pull off his heist.

Just as he was about to step away from the window, the man moved. Slowly, his head turned towards the direction of Lenny's house. This time, he seemed to be studying every inch of his house until his eyes reached Lenny's window. Lenny couldn't see his face but he was pretty sure his eyes bored straight into him.

His chest thudded rapidly. He was really losing his mind. Slowly, he moved away from the window and crashed down the floor when he tripped on a rug. That was it.

He was leaving this place.

He wasn't going to survive in here, not in Moon Shade Avenue. He could run away. He could go back to the city. But where would he go?

While he was busily weighing options in his mind, a shrill scream erupted in the air and cut through his thoughts.

Lenny paused and held his breath. He was a hundred percent sure he heard a scream. But where did it come from?

Then he heard a faint crash.

"Maura!" he exclaimed.

It took only seconds for his legs to bring him out of the house. Outside, the cold wind whipped on his face. He sprinted over their fence expertly with his long legs and ran across the street towards the Schlottersteins. Now, he was pretty sure he was nuts.

He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. The Schlotterstein's house was dark as it always was. But there was something definitely wrong and he could feel it in the air.

Something really bad happened.

"Maura!" he screamed as he ran towards his neighbor's gate.

Before he could even reach it, he smacked straight into a figure clad in a dark coat emerging from the gate and lost his balance. He gasped when the strange man's face greeted him but what horrified him more was the fact that he had a girl tuck under his arms. The girl was unconscious and unmoving.

It was Maura.

Lenny screamed when the man suddenly grabs his wrist.

They made eye contact for a split second but it felt like a very long time. Then the man began whispering strange words. The words, he couldn't understand, made his head hurt and made him feel nauseous. He yanks his arm away too forcefully from the man and tripped down the sidewalk like a drunk person.

He screams when the strange man snarls at him and he sees a pair of sharp fangs protruding out his mouth.

The last thing he could remember seeing were a pair of luminous blue eyes and headlights before he fell into a deep, deep chasm of darkness.

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