Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

He was falling into a deep, deep abyss of nothingness. He was falling for what felt like ages, the dark making him claustrophobic.

Strange murmurs echoed around him. There were too many voices. He couldn't decide which one to listen to. They were speaking all at once, getting louder and louder as he fell deeper.

Just as he thought that he was going to fall into the never ending darkness forever, a strange bluish light casted it's glow upon him. It came from above his head, getting brighter every moment. He lost grasp of reality, he didn't know anymore of he was falling or floating. The glow became brighter and bigger, getting closer to him until he realized what they really were.

A huge pair of luminous blue eyes staring right at him.

'A spill of light...'

'The boy with the illusion is the key...'

The voices were distinctive and he only caught up a few words. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar curious place. He couldn't clearly distinguish his surrounding, his vision was a bit muddled but he could see a woman with long dark hair with her back facing him.

His instincts told him to walk over to her and to reach out but before he could even, she turns around and gazes at him with wide eyes. Lenny's breath was cut short. She was beautiful. And he knew that face from somewhere, the features were a bit different but the resemblance was uncanny.

'They're coming. Your task is up,'

Her voice reverberated all around him and a bright white light flashed across his eyes, temporarily blinding him.

His ears rang as the hushed voices swarmed all over him again. He let out a scream when it became too painful and covered his ears to block them out but the voices were too powerful, they almost sounded like they were all inside his head.




From the dark, a young man's pale face appeared. His features Lenny couldn't define as his vison slowly adjusted. He blinks and rubs his eyes, everything was a bit trippy.

"Lenny, wake up,"

Lenny woke with a start and stared blankly at his ceiling.

It was strange, his dream.

He glanced around his room, looking for the source of the voice that had woken him. It sounded so real, so close that he was almost convinced it wasn't part of his odd nightmarish dream.

Must've been the drugs he took last night to ease the pain. He raised his left arm to check his wrist and sighed at the sight of the cast.

Or Mac. He squinted at his beloved pet that was chilling by the corner of his room blinking at him, his head tilted to one side as if studying his homie.

He sat upright on his bed and glanced out of his window. Whatever did happened last night, it was bugging him. But it was none of his concern anyway. So why poke his nose in somebody else's business?

He stretched and walked over towards Mac's cage. "Morning, buddy."

Linda was as usual busying herself, moving up and down along the kitchen when he got himself downstairs. He watched her bemusedly as she frantically searched for something in between the kitchen shelves like a madman.

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