Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

It's been just one whole day and to Lenny it sure was hell. Of course, there were home works and worksheets, loads of them. No matter what school you go, you never seem to get rid of them.

And then there were the bullies.

Lenny had narrowly escaped a gang of testosterone pumped boys during lunch time. The boys had started pestering him by the lockers and he had just enough time to get away from them. It seems that the new kid was their new found target for the semester.

Lenny let out a deep breath as he hid by the library, hoping they wouldn't find him. Wherever he goes, he could never really get away from half-wit jock bullies. It was his fault anyway. If only he didn't just told them to 'Fuck off'...

He sighed. He's a sucker in making stupid decisions.

He closed his eyes and wiped off the sweat from his forehead. He missed his old school. At least back there he had friends.

The school library was like any other library. It was filled with old, yellowing musty books that made his nose itch. It was lunch time, so there weren't many students inside. But then, who'd want to hang out inside a claustrophobic library? Not Lenny.

He scanned through the books and picked one out without really the full intention of reading it. He heard soft giggles from behind him and peered at a group of girls who were casting moony-eyed looks at him. The girls dispersed like smoke instantly.

He gave out a perplexed sigh and shrugged, trying to ignore the girls. He had no time to deal with them.

"So, this is where you hang out?"

He jumped and banged his shoulder against the shelf, causing a line of books to capsize. The boy who suddenly appeared beside him grinned. He rested a hand on the wood and leaned on the bookshelf lazily.

"Jesus, you scared me," Lenny said.

"Did I? Well, apologies for that," the boy grinned and picked up a book. "You like reading, huh?"

Lenny blinked at him, recognizing his red hair. "No. Actually, I'm allergic to books. You're from my class, right?" he asked. "Sorry, you're..."

"It's Gregory," he replied, giving Lenny a little salute.

Gregory had pale skin that made his hair look even more fiery red and light colored freckles strewn across his nose, Lenny observed. He also had green fiendish eyes that glinted at Lenny.

"Well, I think you've got yourself some fans over there," Gregory mused, eyeing the girls who were peeking by the corner.

Lenny casted a glance at the girls, snorted and returned the book from its shelf.

Gregory watched Lenny and followed him as he transferred to another shelf. "So, you moved into town a week ago?"

Lenny paused and stared at him. "How did you know?" he asked.

"Geez, this is just a small town, man," Gregory told him. "We hear word about everything and anything."

"That's creepy," Lenny told him which only made Gregory laugh.

"What are you doing in here anyway?" Gregory asked.

Lenny shrugged. "No reasons."

Gregory raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "You know, I heard some group of seniors looking for some blue-eyed Freshie with dark hair," he said. "They said he was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. It's probably you, right? But, hey, it could be anybody else."

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