Chapter Thirteen

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🔈Alone by Alan Walker

Chapter Thirteen

As soon as night fell again and draped its pitch black blanket all over the strange town, Lenny found himself unable to sleep.

It could be that he was too afraid to give in to slumber in case he was once again tormented by weird lights, spooky demonic voices, and strangers. Or maybe he'd acquired insomnia.

Stress among teenagers does result to insomnia.

Lenny couldn't decide which one as he sat on his bed engulfed by the dark.

Maybe he'd gone nocturnal.

Chewing his lip, he stared at his broken wrist. The cast was starting to itch and it was bothering him.

He was beginning to grow restless and irritated.

"Go to sleep, damn it," he groaned, willing his eyes shut as he sank into his bed.

But no matter how hard he tried, sleep was on vacation far away on some sunny island.

Slowly, he turned his head towards the direction of his window. The night seemed to be beckoning to him, luring him out of his cave of a bedroom.

Well, there was always one thing that helps him fall asleep.

Despite what happened last night, Lenny found himself wandering out into the night. It had become a habit.

The cool evening air greeted him in the face.

"Hello, friend," he murmured into the breeze.

As if they had a mind of their own, his legs brought him once again into the woods.

It was dark and foggy but he wandered aimlessly through the maze of trees. There would be occasional rustles and a flutter of wings from somewhere but he tried to shrug it off.

Walking alone in the woods at night gave him a good scare and a thrill. He felt adrenaline rushing through his body as he carefully navigated through the damp wooden area. Thrill was addicting.

As he slipped through in between two trees that were too close to each other, he caught a shadow moving fast by the corner of his eye. He paused and glanced around warily. Now things like that weren't unusual in this place and he tried to assure himself that. He could feel his heartbeat racing rapidly against his chest.

Maybe it was nothing, he thought. Don't be silly, Lenny.

The old, dried leaves at the floor of the woods started crunching softly. It took him a moment to realize that they were footsteps. His eyes widened. Someone was out there. He was definitely sure it was someone. The footfalls were too heavy to be of some small critter.

He could hear a murmur of voices, though he couldn't make out what they were saying. Lenny held his breath and pressed his back against the tree hoping it could conceal him.

The murmuring was getting closer. Although he still couldn't make out a word, he could hear that the voice belong to a man.

Could it be some patrol ranger roaming around to check on the woods? Man, he would so dead if he sees him.

"Your task was just simple, you fool!"

The voice sounded gruff and harsh. The man speaking definitely sounded pissed off.

There was another murmur but this time the voice sounded different. The pitch sounded younger but definitely male.

Lenny, feeling brave, dared to take a peek over the bark while at the same time trying to not be seen.

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