Chapter IV Part II

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   Gahhh I don't know what the hell I was thinking...Like for real..But when I got home my best friend was there..

  Her name is Kalloni. I knew she was here by her car being parked in front... But she usually comes in when her and her girlfriend are having problems.. I sighed one final time for the night and entered through my door. I saw Kalloni eating my last tub of ice cream without the consideration that there was only a corner if ice cream left anyway.

  "Its bout damn time.. It took long enough, and you need to hit that Food Lion hun." I kicked my shoes off and put my keys in the bowl next to the door. "Damn girl can I get in the house before you start snapping? What you doing here and anyway?" But before she could answer there was a rather loud knock on my door.

   I swung open the door and there stood none other than my boss.

   "Wha-" I was cut off by Raq's lips crashing against mine. I quickly lost my balance and she wrapped her arms around my waist preventing that from happening. I wouldn't pull away because I feel like I have been waiting for this girl forever. I backed up a couple feet hitting the wall next to the door that lead upstairs.

   "Dayummm Trice don't do me like that." For a second I forgot all about Kalloni... Raq flashed a guilty smile and wiped some of the red lipstick from her bottom lip that I lad left with her index,middle finger, and thumb while backing away from me.

   "Yo my bad. I didn't know she had company..." She spoke in her shy like voice...gahh this girl. "I'm family boo.. What's your name since you just coming in kissing people. "I'm Raquel." she said noticing that my shoes were on the floor and she should take hers off as well. Kalloni decided to invite Raq to the couch.. Buhhh I need to talk to her... I walked over to the couch grabbing her wrist and leading her to the kitchen. She hopped up on the island and finished unbuttoning her shirt and wrapped it around me while she pulled it making me come closer to her. I stood between her legs with arms around me...

   "Noo tell me why your here...just back at the club you had a girlfriend that you were loyal to... Why you here?" I asked trying not to smile while in her presence.. She just held my chin and softly pecked my lips. "I'm here.".. I pushed her hand down and shook my head.. "Are you with your girlfriend?"

Short I know...

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