Chapter 2 - A Hint of Regret

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Minho likes to play games.

He had always liked the idea of playing with someone's heart until they couldn't take it anymore.

He found himself going back to the café every day, talking to the boy, later learning his name- Chan. Minho was entranced by Chan's smile, his voice, the way he was always concentrating on his work when Minho arrived. But he just shook it off. Minho was always looking for a new toy, and Chan seemed perfect. But he wanted to make sure it wasn't real first.

He offered to walk Chan home, as it was quite late. Not wanting to come off as rude, Chan accepted. Perfect.

Chan was just about to say goodbye to him when Minho caught his wrist. Chan looked shocked, and Minho's heart was racing.

Come on, you've done worse before.

He pulled Chan towards him, then tilted the older boy's head up to meet his gaze. Minho took a deep breath, leaned in pressed his lips to Chan's. Chan didn't kiss back, but he didn't pull away either. Good. Minho deepened the kiss, hoping to get a reaction out of the other, and it worked. Chan's arms found their way around Minho's waist, kissing the younger boy deeply.

Oh, he wants you alright.

Minho pulled away, and Chan ran off, flustered. Minho smiled, knowing well what he'd done.

He was vaguely sure that he didn't feel anything more than lust for Chan. He was sure it wasn't real. And as he stood there for a few moments after Chan left, a hint of regret started to show itself.

What am I doing to myself? Hell, what am I doing to him?

You don't care about him.


Seungmin saw the two boys holding hands across the table the next day, and it worried him. He knew what Minho did to people. There was a chance it could be serious, but Seungmin wasn't about to take any chances. He had to warn Chan about Minho. He had to tell him what Minho does to people, what he could end up doing to him.

One day, weeks later, Minho had left early to go to dance practice, leaving Seungmin the perfect opportunity to talk to Chan.
"Chan hyung?"
"Hmm?" Chan looked up from whatever he was working on.
"You and Minho... is it serious?" He asked, hoping the other would deny it, "Like... how do you feel about him?"
"I guess... I guess I like him. A lot. But... I don't know... it sounds stupid-"
"No, tell me. It's fine"
"Well... sometimes... it feels like he's forcing it"
Seungmin knew it. Minho always did this.
"Be careful," Seungmin said, "He does that a lot"
"Really?" Chan looked upset, but Seungmin knew that it was better Chan knew what Minho did sooner rather than later.

It pissed Chan off, knowing that the boy he liked was just with him for fun. He really liked Minho. He completely fell for his eyes, his voice, the way he looked when he genuinely smiled. He was entranced by Minho, so much that Chan couldn't see that the younger boy was forcing himself to be happy with him. He now knew what Minho did to people. How he ended everything, saying he lost his feelings, when, in reality, they were never there to start with. Was that really what he was like? Apparently so. Chan didn't want to take any chances. He had to do something. So, after what Seungmin told him about Minho, he knew what he was going to do.

"What?" Seungmin said when Chan told him what he was planning, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"If that's really what he does to people, I want him to realise what he's doing"
"He already knows what he's doing"
"Then why doesn't he feel bad?"
"It's all he knows," Seungmin said, "He's only ever been a player. He's never known his own feelings"
Those words sparked some emotion in Chan. He wasn't sure what it was, but he wasn't about to give in to that emotion. Yes, he cared about Minho, but that's why he wanted to do this. Because he cared too much.

He was going to give Minho a taste of his own medicine.

Because he needs to know what it feels like.


A/N: Oof

Voices | BanginhoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz