Chapter 4 - Don't Go Back

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Minho knew well that when you fuck something up, it's not easy to go back. He tried to fix everything so many times, and it never used to bother him when he failed. But this time it was different. He wanted to go back to how everything was before, to tell people he doesn't want to play around anymore. He'd finally learnt his lesson, but the damage was too much.
"Seungmin, what can I do?" he found himself crying in the coffee shop again, something that seemed to happen more and more often, "I've fucked people over so many times, I can't fix it"
"Listen," Seungmin said, putting an arm around Minho, "You can fix this, it's just going to take time. Be the person you want to be, and people will adjust to it eventually"
He paused for a second, letting Minho take in his words, "It's just going to take time," he repeated.

Chan was watching. He saw Minho break down. It hurt him to watch Minho cry, but he knew that if he got involved, he would never learn his lesson. He wasn't trying to cause problems, he just wanted Minho to realise where he was going wrong. It was because he cared. He cared too much, and those feelings may never fade. He had fallen for Minho, but the only way he would ever take him back was if he fixed everything. It would take time, but if it was meant to happen, Chan was prepared to wait. Whether Minho felt the same about him or not.


Minho never fell for Chan in the first place. That was what he was ashamed of. He was ashamed of playing around with Chan, pretending there were feelings there. The voice in his head was still there, cursing him for feeling guilty, but some other voice was starting to overpower it. A soft, calm voice. A voice that sounded eerily like...


Listen to me. I can help. Trust me.

The numerous voices in his head telling him different things made Minho feel like he was drowning, choking on some kind of emotion he'd never felt before. Among the tangle of words and phrases, Minho tried to pick out the important things the voice was telling him. One thing stood out more than anything.

If you're careful, you can win me back.

Minho never thought about going back to someone before. It was always the same old "play around and move on" for Minho, but with Chan, something was different. Minho found himself wanting to be back in the older boy's arms, and to be holding hands across the table in the coffee shop. It hurt that he couldn't. He wanted to go back to his old ways just numb the pain, but he knew that would be wrong. He started to sob quietly into his pillow.

Don't go back to how you were before.

Minho's sobbing got louder. "I won't," he whispered, "I don't want to."
He took deep breaths, forcing his shallow breathing to slow down.

"I need you back"

Minho needed to tell Chan the truth. He needed Chan to know that although he didn't feel anything in the beginning, but now he does. After all the times he's played around with people, he finally decided he wants to go back to someone.

Tell me tomorrow. I'll listen. I promise.

"Will you?"



A/N: I think the only reason why I keep doing author's notes on every chapter is because it puts the word count up so my chapters don't seem so short 😅

Voices | BanginhoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon