Chapter 6 - Believe Me

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"You know that voice in your head?" Minho began, "The one that tells you right from wrong."
Chan nodded blankly in response.
"Mine..." He trailed off, unsure of how to word it, "Mine doesn't work like that."
"What do you mean by that?"
"It... it doesn't always tell me to do the right thing," Minho tried to explain, "That's why I did what I did to people."
"Because the voice was telling you to," Chan said, "I get that."
Minho breathed a sigh of relief. Chan understood. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't crazy.
"It was really bad before, but..." Minho continued, "But lately, there's been another voice telling me to do the right thing, so I've stopped listening."
"Does Seungmin know about this?"
"No... should he?"
"Probably," Chan told him, "But why tell me first?"
"I... I don't know," Minho said, "I thought it was the only way you'd forgive me."
Chan put his arms around the younger boy, pulling him closer to him.
"I forgive you," he said softly.


"So, what you're trying to tell me is... you've made up with this Minho guy? After what he did to you?"
"Woojin, just drop it," Chan replied, "He's changed."
"Changed, my ass," Woojin scoffed, "He'll never be anything but trouble."
Chan sighed.
"You never learn."
Those words hurt more than anything. Woojin didn't know what it felt like. He didn't understand what it was like to love someone no matter how many times they fuck you over.
"I say give him one last chance to fix everything." A voice spoke from behind him. Chan turned to see Hyunjin standing in the doorway, leaning casually against the doorframe.
"Well, you would, wouldn't you, Hyunjin?" Woojin glared at him, "You used to be exactly like him."
"Keyword: used to be," Hyunjin told him, "If I can change my ways, so can he."
"He has a point, Woojin," Changbin walked in, half shoving Hyunjin out of the way to get through the door.
"My God, how many of you are there?" Woojin whined, then turned to Chan, "You can't keep giving people second chances. Anybody would think you can't count to three."
Hyunjin moved away from the door and went over to Chan. "Ignore him," he said, "We'll both talk to him. Surely it'll be easier if you have someone else around?"
Chan paused in thought, then nodded slowly.
"Good," Hyunjin said, "I've wanted to meet this Minho guy for ages."


You shouldn't have done that.

Minho didn't respond.

I said you shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't know about me.

Again, Minho didn't respond. He thought about what Chan told him.

"If if comes back, ignore it," Chan said, "I know that's difficult to do, but try it, okay? Don't let it get to you."
Minho nodded.
"I won't."

That's when Minho swore he'd never listen to the voice again. He had Chan back, even if only as a friend. For once in his life, he was, to some extent, happy, and he wasn't about to let the voice take it away from him.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is late, I was out pretty much all of yesterday so I forgot. But Banginho is finally returning!!!

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