Chapter 8 - Friendship Hurts

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Friendship hurts sometimes.

Chan knows that feeling all too well. He couldn't possibly describe how much he wanted to hold Minho in his arms and smother him in kisses. He couldn't comprehend how much he loved Minho, and how annoyed he was at the word "friends" for existing in Minho's vocabulary. The very word that kept the two from getting any closer than they were.

"Chan, you need to tell him," Hyunjin said.
That was a lie, and Hyunjin knew it. Chan said it every time, and nothing ever came of it.
"No. Not tomorrow," Hyunjin looked at Chan with a mischievous glint in his eye, "You're going to the coffee shop, and you're telling him now"


Chan didn't notice that Minho felt exactly the same. He cursed himself for suggesting they stay "friends" and nothing more. He had wanted to tell Chan everything at the time, but he felt that all he needed to know was about the voices.

"Listen, Minho," Seungmin looked over at him, "You can't keep wallowing in your sorrows. It's obvious you like Chan."
"Is it?"
"Yes," he replied, "Even Jeongin can see it, and he's twelve for god's sake."
"What I'm trying to say is, you can't wait until he confesses to you," Seungmin said, "He won't do it. He's too scared of losing you."
"Then what am I supposed to do?"
"You're going to confess," Seungmin said, a subtle mischievous smirk appearing on his face, "Right now."
Minho's eyes went wide and, as if on cue he saw Chan and Hyunjin walk through the door of the coffee shop. Not now, he thought.

Hyunjin skipped ahead of Chan, making his way towards Seungmin. Minho giggled as Seungmin rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed by the  boy's sudden appearance. Hyunjin put one arm around Seungmin, who immediately pushed him away, seeming almost disgusted by the action. Seungmin's apparent hatred for Hyunjin was something that Minho always found hilarious, and every one of the boys' interactions resulted in loud hysterical giggling from both Chan and Minho. This time was no different. Hyunjin was like a overexcited puppy sometimes, jumping on Seungmin when he least expected it. However, when the two had finished their fighting, Hyunjin looked over at Minho. "Chan has something he wants to tell you," he said, before sending a wink Minho's way and walking off, dragging a rather annoyed looking Seungmin with him.

"So, what is this that you want to tell me?" Minho asked, trying a little too hard to keep up his confident act.
"Is that what Hyunjin told you?" Chan said, "God, I can't trust him with anything, can I?"
Minho laughed, the soft, sweet sound reaching Chan's ears and melting him.
"Well," Minho started, "I wanted to talk to you as well."
"About what?"
"Don't worry about it, you go first."
"Seriously, tell me."
Minho giggled again. "We're really arguing over this, are we?"
"Yes," Chan replied, "Yes we are."
"You know, forget it. It's not that important anyway."
Chan stayed silent. He was unsure of whether it was really the best time to confess, but he'd promised Hyunjin he would do it. In a sudden moment of confidence, he looked right into Minho's eyes.
"Fuck it," He whispered, bringing his hand up to Minho's face, "I still love you."
And he kissed him.


A/N: The next chapter will be the last one but I'm writing a Seungjin sequel?? Is not really a sequel but it's set in the same au as this so it's a sorta continuation kinda thing?? This makes no sense I'm just gonna leave

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