Chapter 3 - Mistake?

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Chan didn't want to do it. He didn't want to mess with Minho's heart, but he had to do it.

Minho needed to know where he was going wrong.

Chan asked Minho to walk him home; it was the only opportunity he could get.
"Minho," Chan's heat was racing at the speed of light, but he had to do this.
"Channie, baby," Minho responded, holding the older boy's hand, "What's up?"
"I don't think we can do this anymore,"
Minho looked at the older boy in surprise. He's had so many break ups, but not one of them wasn't ended by him. He didn't know how to act. Heartbreak is a difficult thing to fake, especially if you want it to be believed. Minho was no actor, but he could try.
"Why?" he asked, trying to sound heartbroken. It came out a bit too convincing.
"I don't feel anything for you anymore," Chan lied, playing Minho's own card against him.
Minho stared blankly, and as Chan walked away, Minho chose to do what he always did in these situations, and walked towards the coffee shop.

He's lying.

Minho always knew when Chan was lying. There was this hint of sadness in his voice, and hesitation when he spoke. But if he really liked Minho, why would he lie about this? Why would Chan want to put himself through this if he still had feelings for him? He couldn't possibly-

Seungmin told him everything. Chan knows what you do to people. You can't fix this.

Minho changed his path quickly, away from the coffee shop, instead heading home.

But why should this worry me at all?


Getting over Minho wasn't easy, as Chan found out later that night. Tears stung his eyes as he tried to sleep. There wasn't a hint of regret. Rather, it was anger. He was annoyed at himself for falling for Minho in the first place. Everyone did so, he just seemed so irritatingly perfect that you couldn't possibly not like him until you knew what he was really like. Chan found that out the hard way. He had to face the harsh truth that Minho would never come back to him. It's just not what he does.

Minho never comes back for more. He fucks them once and moves on.

"It's all he knows... He's never known his own feelings."


Just carry on as you are. Just move on.

Minho had always done that, and he was, to some extent, disappointed that he didn't get to break it off this time. But it didn't matter to him anyway. Did it?

He needed to breathe. He needed to take a break from what he had been doing all this time. He just needed to stop.

Why should you stop?

The voice in his head always refused to tell him when he was making the wrong decision. The unfortunate thing was, he still chose to listen to what it had to say. He never argued against it. He couldn't. It was a part of him he had no control over. Nothing could overpower that voice.



It was a voice Minho had never heard in his head before, although it sounded oddly familiar, and strangely comforting.


Seungmin knew what would happen. He knew that Chan and Minho would completely ignore each other. Every time, Minho would just carry on with life, forgetting he ever knew the other person, and that wasn't about to change. Chan did the same thing, not even looking up at Minho when he walked into the coffee shop after school every day. But one thing stood out to Seungmin: Minho wasn't playing around anymore.

It seemed that he'd stopped listening to that voice in his head that pushed him the wrong way. Instead, a new voice had taken over. A voice of reason, one he could've trusted with anything if he hadn't fucked everything up. A voice he wanted to hear.


A/N: Who do y'all think this new voice is?
I mean it's probably obvious but I'm asking anyway 😅

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