What its like.

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::Liam's POV::

He was pushing at my under belly, snarling and growling trying to use his last tactic of dominance. Like I would actually give into the demand.
I only growled back louder and more threatening, I wasn't going to allow him to submit! He needed to die after what he did to my mate!

And he would

Eventually he somehow craned his neck and was able to sink his teeth into the side of my leg, tearing into the flesh.
It was painful, I could feel him reach the bone.
Snarling it drew back and lowered my stance, my wolf was taking over and I knew it wouldn't be long before I would go full wolf, I needed to kill him now before my wolf does it. And I wanted my mother to see her mate die with dignity. Not in a puddle heap of tails, snouts and bones.
That's when he finally, lunged for my throat, the kill shot and a very risky one.
If he aimed too low he would get my leg and I would be able to get him, if he aims too high he will get my snout which will most likely piss my wolf off even more.
So I lowered myself and dug my paws into the dirt, my hackles raised and my teeth bared. He flew over my head and landed in a vert ungraceful heap. His coat was now tattered, but there was not enough blood.
Swinging around I bit onto his hind leg and dug deep, catching his Achilles heel, the bone snapped under my teeth and he yelped.
His mate howled at the feeling, I needed to kill my father quick so my mum wouldn't die straight away.
Pulling my big wolf head back I tore out the back of his heel and he fell to the floor again, growling and snarling. He was getting defensive and this was the end for him.
~time to die old man~ I sent to him. Slowly I stalked to him, my tongue licking over my sharp teeth and over the blood.
It was time for his death. I needed to forget the pain in my leg if I was to do this, I needed to ignore it all.

I swiped my claw along his throat, blood spurted everywhere and all over my coat.
But I could feel the power change, it was like Ray of light entering my body.
I felt more powerful and assessed everything as a threat. Nothing was looking the same, my eyesight became better and I could see further away, and my hearing and smelling.
Was even better..
This was what it was like to be an alpha...

::Scarlett's POV::

"-and then we found you and you became alpha, well my dad actually found you, he said something about you running. Well that's not the point, so then when you became alpha you went into heat-" the gilt rambled on and on, I was almost asleep.
She was trying to make me think that I was an alpha, I'm not stupid. They are only trying to trick me, this happened before. My stepmother made me feel like I was a princess for a day and the next I had something else.

Right now I'm sitting in the infirmary and the pack doctor is cleaning up my wound on my bicep, it was rather deep, and then when I had got another deep wound on my other arm the whole pack had growled. I personally didn't know why but then again it was most likely something to do with the act. I knew that they where pulling my leg, I'm too weak and quiet to be an alpha.
Though this pack seems rather nice, but I can tell that they use to be rouges or worse. I have nothing against that, but I do have something against them keeping me here!

"There you are alpha, all done" the man chirped what my arm was bandaged up, and my other sewn back together.
I nodded and looked to the girl who was looking at the door, her father stood there glaring at the girl.
"Poppy I told you to remain quiet about this, I don't want her to start freaking out, sorry alpha" he apologised and dragged the girl out of the room.

"I'm not the alpha" I mumbled to myself, and jumped off of the hospital bed.
I only took a few steps before-
~yes you are~ a new voice whispered in my head and a loud crack came from my body! I screamed in agony.
What was happening to me?

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