I will try.

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::Liam's POV::

It hurt, it was pain. And it was torture.
The most cruel thing the moon goddess could have ever done, why did I have to endure watching this. My mate looking at me with a confused look as she tried to figure out who I was.
I could almost see the gears turning I her head.

"Please Scarlett, tell me your joking. Please tell me your pretending to have amnesia" I begged taking a step forward, only to be shot down once she took a step back. My heart constricted as she turned to leave.
I didn't want her to, there where too many questions I needed to ask her. I needed to know why she was gone, I needed to know why she looks different. And last but not least, I needed to know if she accepted me.
Unfortunately from the way she was looking at me told me her answer, but if it is true and she has amnesia. I will try and help her in any resource I can.
-mate- my wolf whined as she took a step away.

She had no idea what it felt like to be rejected by your mate, she was the one doing the rejecting. I would gladly wait all eternity to be able to hold her in my arms and- my train of thought was cut off when she stood in front of me.
Her eyes shone with un-shed tears. Her cheeks where a little blotchy though.

::Scarlett's POV::

I stood in front of him, my mate. My life and my love.
I knew I needed to leave, I knew I had to go UP.

But that is when I did decide that I would make the most of it, I would try my best to stay as long as I can. But unfortunately the moon goddess before me has only given me three months before I return, in the meantime she will be appearing in my dreams and teaching me.
It sounds odd, but it is true.

I was about to say something else when a vision entered my mind.
A mixture of visions actually, and they where so overwhelming.


I look at the Greek god in front of me 'mate!' my wolf sings as she rolls around in my head. all I can think of doing is running at this precise moment. I look and see that my mate is busy with the mind link crap so I dart towards my nans house.
I hear thudding behind me and I know who it is very well. a moment later I got tackled to the ground by a big black wolf sending sparks down my spine, the wolf pinned me and bared its teeth wanting me to submit. I bared my teeth back and growled kicking the wolf off of me. the wolf seemed scared at me but I lunged forward and sent him cowering against a tree. I let out a howl at the half moon letting my nan know I'm safe and I took off into the distance running and trying to find somewhere safe.....

...I walked down the empty corridor and all of a sudden was pushed up against the lockers and I came to face with my mates eyes. "why did you run last night mate?" he asked pinning my hands above my head. "I don't want to belong to your pack neither did I want anyone dragging me by the scruff of my neck down to the woods!" I shouted in his face
"You are my mate and my packs Luna you will listen to me" Liam shouts back using alpha tone
"You will listen to me let me go and I will not hurt you right here right now!" I scream back making him flinch. not enough alpha tone .shame.
"Right so I guess you are more powerful than I am then" he states making me feel proud. I get out of his grasp "ok so now that you have annoyed me to no end I am going to my pack, see you later mate" I say kissing him on the cheek and sending a flirty smile. I start to walk but get grasped by he wrist and pushed back into the lockers and had Liam start kissing back up my neck. I tried to push him off by he had got me to weak.
'Listen I need to get out of his' I tell my wolf. and My wolf reply is purring, the sparks that are erupting from each place he touches making me shiver in delight. after a few more seconds I push him off and leg it down the corridor and out of the school.....

...Running that's all I'm doing, I'm not turning back because any male can take down a female. all I can do for now is run and hope he doesn't find me.
I must have been too deep in my own thoughts and what bought me out was the growl of another rogue wolf. "shift!" he demanded. his voice leaked authority but nothing to make me shift instead I stood up straighter challenging him and looked him directly in the eye. in the end we both shifted at the same time. "who are you?" the rogue asked
"I have no need to inform you of who I am because I am higher up than you could ever possibly imagine" I snarled back at him.
"From what I see you are rare indeed, might I ask for you to meet up with our other rogues we are in the search for a leader and from what is see and the prophecies I make you alpha female"
I looked down and nodded "bring the other rogues we shall claim some land"....

-flashbacks over-

There where too many, too quick in which I didn't need.
Before I let the cloud of unconsciousness take me I said one thing.
"Liam.." And everything went black..

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