Dear Diary

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My mother used to tell me the story of the miserable princess.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. She lived in a beautiful castle. She got everything she ever wanted, yet the princess was miserable.

You see the princess was a prisoner in her own castle.

One day the princess rescued an injured fairy.

She nursed the fairy back to health.

On the day the fairy was to leave; the fairy told the princess how grateful she was and said that she would grant her one single wish.

The princess told the fairy that she wished to be free.

The fairy granted the princess' wish and turned the princess into a snow white dove.

The princess flew away and cried tears of joy because now she was free.

My mother said that is why doves cry, because they are all lost princesses freed from captivity; crying tears of joy.

I always thought that it was the other way around.

I always thought that the dove princess cried because the fairy had tricked her and now she was cursed to live her life out as a dove.

I wouldn't mind being a dove though.

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