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"Tell him I'll be down in a minute." Klaus say. Elena walks down the stairs. Marcel is still wondering who she is and why she is living with the Mikaelsons. "Klaus will be down in a minute. You can come to the living room if you would like." Elena offers kindly. Marcel walks to the living room while Elena walks to the kitchen to get her self some blood. While she is in there Kol walks in and takes Elena's glass of blood. "Kol that was mine!" Elena shouts. "Quiet down you will wake up the whole town." Kol jokes while drinking Elena's drink. Elena gets another glass and drinks it then says good night to everyone.

Back in the living room

"Marcel what are you doing here in Mystic Falls ? " Klaus questions while sitting on the couch. "I've come to have your family come back to New Orleans." Marcel says bluntly. Klaus thinks for a minute then he yells for his family and Elena. They all walk down the stairs when Elena trips into Elijah and they both fall down the stairs. Marcel laughed at them and turns his head towards Klaus who asks everyone who wants to go to New Orleans again, they all say yes. "Let's get packing so we can leave tonight." Rebekah demands. They laugh at her but listen none the less. Marcel walks up to Elena and introduced him self. Elena smiled an itroduced her self to. Elena felt like her and Marcel could be good friends.

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