New Beginnings

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"Who is it?" Elena asks suprised. "It is someone who has known this family for a long time and this seems to say you are in grave danger." Elijah tells her. Next thing they know there's a knock on the door. Elena opens it to find Kol and a girl that looks some what fimiliar. "Where are we Kol. Is that Klaus?" The girl asks when she notices him in the corner. "Hello Felise it's been a while since I've seen you. Thought you were dead." Klaus says with a smirk on his face. "Well if I were dead I wouldn't be able to help your brothers and their girl!" She says motioning towards Elijah and Elena. "She knows who's after us and why." Kol exsplains. "Right to buissnes I see. The guy that is after the three of you wants to see Elena suffer. Even if it comes at the price of killing someone." Felise says with a sorta disgusted look towards Elena. "Why do they want me to suffer?" Elena asks scared of losing Kol or Elijah. "Well the guy after you has a "friend" named Katherine Pierce. Word on the street is she don't like you to much." Felise says with a grin on her face. She then turns and walks out the door and slamming it shut. "Why is Katherine deciding to come back now after everything that has happened?" Elena says with tears brimming up. "I can not choose between you two."

*Two Weeks Later*

"Katherine's going to be here tomorrow! Why are we just sitting around." Elena says getting worried. "You will choose between us Elena we have both live a long life and thanks to you our life have been amazing up till the end. Just promise us one thing who ever you pick is really the one you want. We will not try to persuade you." Elijah says kissing her on the forehead before walking into his study. Kol gives her a hug when she sits next to him. "It'll be alright I promise Elena." Kol says calmly.

The next day

Elena, Elijah and Kol are in town taking in there last hours together when Katherine and a guy appear out of nowhere. "You know what you have to do Elena. Choose!" Katherine shouts laughing at her own plan to hurt Elena. Tears running down Elena's face "I choose ......"

Elejah Or KolenaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora