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A dark figure walks into the room with a blood bag. "Ah you are that famous doppelganger that I hear so much about. First the Salvatore brothers and then the Mikaelson brothers. Wow you have a busy love life." The figure says sounding like a girl. "Who are you." Elena coughs out. The figure walks close and feeds her a couple drinks of the blood bag. "I'm your worst nightmare. Just look over there." The woman says pointing to the other wall were Elena could see Kol and Elijah tied up to. They were still knocked out. The woman pooled Elena to her feet and forced her to walk to another room that had more lights. The woman long blond hair with blue eyes. She looked dangerous.  The room they entered had vervain and stakes even wolfs vienm. "Your a vampire hunter." Elena spit out with hate and sorrow remembering her brother and Alaric. "That I am my name is Emily and I saw you come to New Orleans and you looked like an easy target, so I got a witch to help me knock you out. The two in the other room tried to save you but of course failed." Emily said gesturing to the other room. "I will kill you if you hurt then." Elena threatened. Emily just roled her eyes and threw Elena in a chair. She walked out of the room locking it behind her. Elena was starting to freak out when she heard something then Elijah walked in. "How are you.... You where out there pasted out. I thought you were dead." Elena stuttered with tears forming in her eyes. Elijah quickly untied her ropes and when he did Elena kissed him and told him she loved him. Without them knowing Kol listened to the whole conversation. He vamped out of the house.

Back at the Mikaelsons mansion

"Kol! Why are you so upset." Rebekah shouts through his door. Kol let Rebekah in. "Elena chose Elijah so I'm leaving. I can't stay when the girl I love is dating my brother." Kol says while packing. Klaus walks in and sees his brother packing. "Why are you leaving." Klaus asks concerned. Rebekah fills him in on everything. "Why don't you stay and I'll hook you up with someone and if you don't like them I'll let you leave without even saying anything." Rebekah offers. Kol thinks for a minute then he agrees.

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