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"Elena I know you liked my brother to but I was wondering if you still like him." Elijah exsplained. Elena thought for a minute."I like him as if he were a brother instead of like him like I like you." She said putting her hand on his. He smiled at her then handed her a box and inside was a gold necklace with a ruby heart on it. Elena stared at it. "Wow Elijah thank you." She said while getting it out of the box. Elijah helped her put it on then they ate. Afterwords they went for a walk down to a beautiful park. Elena was awe struck when Elijah vamp sped her to the top of a tree where a building she hadn't noticed before. "Witches put a glamour on it. Only supernatural creatures can see this place." Elijah says when he sees the look on her face. Elena walked up to a bar where they had fancy drinks. Elijah ordered a blue one with red swirls and pineapple and cherry on top. He ordered Elena a red one with different types of fruit she guessed o top. It tasted sweet with hint of sour. A guy walked up to Elijah and asked why he came here. "I've came for you to meet someone who will be around here and if harm comes to her you know what will happen." Elijah threatened. The man shook Elena's hand but didn't introduce himself. They spent a few hours there having  drinks and talking. They left to go home at about 11 at night. Elena decided she wanted to stay in Elijah's room tonight so they don't wake the others. Elijah let her borrow a shirt to sleep in. She took a shower and got ready for bed. Elena and Elijah where so tiered that as soon as they layed down they were asleep. In the morning Rebekah barged in to Elijah's room where she found Elena and Elijah kissing. Rebekah stood there suprised. "I thought you had left. Sorry guys." Rebekah says embarrassed. "It's fine." Elena says laughing at Rebekah. Elena gets up and walks out only to be greeted by someone she hadn't seen in a good while. ''I've missed you so much." Elena says with tears in her eyes.

Who do you think it is. Here is just a quick trivia question, who ever gets it right will be mentioned in the next chapter. What coven was Kai from.

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