Reality and Time

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As Wanda finished her three knocks on the door, the door mysteriously opened to Wanda's surprise.

She felt anxious and unsure about meeting Doctor Strange, but she had to meet him in order to find out why she was called to see him.

Wanda then started to step in the Sanctum and looked around for anyone who resided in it, she found no one and continued to look around.


The words echoed resonantly around the halls and rooms, for what she saw was nothing but a gallery full of antiques, objects and mystical strangeness.

She had never seen anything so collected and mysterious, her steps clicked audibly on the floor as she advanced with each step, it felt like a maze trying to find someone she needed to see.


Her words didn't reach for a response, she still kept on her quest to find Doctor Strange and suddenly, she saw a red cape fluttering by at the end of the hallway.

She was puzzled at first, she wondered what the object she saw was, and suddenly, it disappeared. She started to go after it, she ran with all her life and chased after the red cape that was catching the attention of her.

Wanda started to lose breath trying to catch sight of the red cape, and had wondered where it went, she looked around but no hope. Until a loud booming voice echoed.


The resonation of the voice gave Wanda a jumping fright, the voice was so loud she didn't know or notice where it came from.

"Is anyone here!? Show yourself!"

Just then, a shadow descended down below, Wanda heard fluttering noises, it was the same sound from what she saw from the red cape. As the shadow lowered more, a figure started to reveal itself vibrantly.

Wearing a eye shaped necklace over their neck, it was none other than Doctor Strange.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked

"I am Doctor Stephen Strange, I presume you're the one Tony told to be here. Am I right?"

"Yes, that's me, I'm Wanda."

"So...since I'm here, why don't you tell me what's going on?"

Doctor Strange thought collectively and responded.

"How about we do it this way? It's more easier to tell you that way."

With that, Strange went ahead of Wanda, leaving Wanda confused but still followed Strange for answers.

They arrived at Kamar-Taj, to Wanda's surprise she never expected to go through a door which took her to a place she didn't know about.

Doctor Strange soon stopped at the Orb of Agamotto to tell her the truth.

"So can you tell me what's going on? Or will there be another journey to another place?"

"You'll see."

Doctor Strange then started to direct his hands and a seal where the Eye of Agamotto once rested rotated along with the directions from his hands.

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