Strange VS Mordo

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As Wanda, Wong and Strange stood against the grounds of Mordo, each of the sorcerers respectably generated their energy and weapons to fight.

"Mordo, please, we're your friends, we can figure this out.." Stephen persuaded

"I can't be trusted with sorcerers who misuse their powers rashly....and that means all of you.."

Mordo charged towards the trio as he attempted to attack them with his staff.

They luckily dodged Mordo's attack and fought back.

Wanda flew as she took off the ground and fired off orbs of energy towards Mordo, but Mordo deflected every projectile with a spin of his staff.

Wanda then generated a red aura around her and the red energy around her blazed as she streamed towards Mordo and blasted him with a powerful ram.

The power of Wanda's strength alongside her magic pushed Mordo so far that he crashed towards a planet not far from the others


Iron Man shot a laser beam to Kaecilius, but Kaecilius countered the beam as he shifted the ground where Tony was standing cause to make him unbalanced.

Black Widow then ran towards Kaecilius and threw kicks and punches, the effort was useless as every hit wasn't hitting.

Kaecilius generated a glass shard blade and slashed it towards Natasha, Black Widow was lucky enough to dodge the glass as Clint fired his arrows, which one broke the blade Kaecilius was holding.


Wong manifested two magical circles and launched them to Mordo, as the circles rotate forwardly, Mordo used the Staff of the Living Tribunal to slice them apart.

Stephen then created a whip manifested from magical energy and lassoed it around Mordo's leg to constrict him.

Wong likewise did the same and Wanda held him down with her power.

Mordo used his strength to blow apart the whips and magic blowing a shockwave pushing Wanda, Wong and Strange away from him.

Wong and Wanda were easily defeated by the wave and were on the ground vulnerable, but Strange begged to differ as he stood alone against Mordo.

"Mordo, stop! We can't keep this up forever!"

"I won't stop until you breathe your last!"

Mordo and Strange threw fists at each other, sparks of magic flew and physical strength kept on.

Neither of them barely received a hit as they kept on.

"You don't have to do this! There are other ways!" Strange said

"There is no other way! There never was! I only fought with you and the Ancient One because I thought I could trust yous! Yet you both went against the natural law! I thought if I followed my mentor, I could overcome my demons, but I was foolish enough to trust her! I only wanted to escape my past, yet it still haunts me!"

Strange then halted the punch Mordo delivered.

"That isn't true! She only did that so she can protect the future! She only broke the rules so that she can save Earth! You don't have to have feel vengeful of what happened! The past is the past! And yes, life can be suffering but, here you are. Sometimes rules can be broken, but that doesn't always have consequences on the universe. We learn from our past and we grow to be better than who we were."

Mordo then stopped and dropped his fist, and sighed in stress and walked past Stephen without a fight.

"I just...wanted to move on from my past, the segments of my past keeps appearing in my head and my sleep, it scares me, every time I have a nightmare. The Ancient One would always come to my side and comfort me, she was so kind and aspiring, she handled my fears like it was nothing, she seems to know every bit of my imperfections."

"Seems like she knew you."

"Indeed she did, she was like a mother, secretive yet kind. I miss that kind of feeling.."

Strange looked down and thought about what he was going to say.

"You know, if you feel how you feel currently, you can come home with us and start again, no matter what you did or what you were before, you are my friend."

Stephen then reached out his hands towards Mordo, Mordo then turned away and thought for a moment, and reached for Strange's hand.

The both were on good terms and then started to hug for consolation and reconciliation.

"Looks like you guys made up." Wanda said

"Indeed, now we have a chance to defeat Dormammu and end this fight once and for all." Wong added

The four sorcerers smiled to one another agreeing on their teamwork.

Just then, a rumbling like earthquake shook the Dark Dimension and Earth loud and big enough to catch the Avengers' attention, to that Kaecilius smirked with an evil expression on his face.

An emanating shrouding darkness loomed to where Wanda, Strange, Wong and Mordo were put came from the emanating darkness was the face of Dormammu.

"You have failed me...."


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