Avengers Assemble!

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As the Zealots came to Earth, Earth wasn't safe until the threat has passed.

The two opposing teams glared at each other with intense stares which risen waves between them.

No one made the first move.

"Mordo...you don't have to do this...we can end this without violence or having to fight each other..."

"I'm sorry, Stephen...but you made me this way, the Ancient One was the only one who I thought I could overcome my demons by listening to, but she was foolish enough to draw power from the Dark Dimension and you were rash to break the rules by selfishly going against the natural law by tampering with power you weren't meant to! So I'll use that same power so I can rip you from limb to limb!"

"What's the point!? Fighting won't solve the situation! It'll only cause more dissonance between the two sides!" Wanda urged out

"Shut up! You don't know what's it like to betrayed!"

Wanda backed out of the argument as Tony protected her.

"Hey! You better watch your mouth, dipshit!" Tony fought back

Wanda gently lowered Tony's arms down.

"I know what it's like to betrayed, I once stepped on the path of vengeance to hunt down my hated enemies, but turns out that my enemies were my friends and my 'friends' were enemies. I lost someone dear to me in return, he was the only person who supported me all these years when I needed it most. But I moved on and met my friends and family, who are standing with me right now...so you don't have to do the same, Mordo. We can put an end to all of this, it's your choice."

Most of the Avengers and Stephen were moved by Wanda's aspirational speech, Clint, Steve, Tony and Vision were the most proud of Wanda and how they saw how much she has grown.

"I'm sorry...but it's too late for me." Mordo replied

The Staff of the Living Tribunal cracked against the ground as the staff extended into chained whip nunchucks.

The once warm orange light that sustained the staff was now darkened into a deep dark purple hue with spots of darkness tainting the shade.

Kaecilius started to prepare and create a long blade of glass shard and divided it into two.

The Avengers did the same by preparing their weapons, powers and themselves to fight against Kaecilius and Mordo.

"You can't defeat us! You're outnumbered!" Wanda boasted

"Says who?" Kaecilius questioned

Just then, the sky and sun was clouded by pure darkness, the cloud of darkness hovered over the Earth, sending smokes of darkness towards where the Avengers, Kaecilius and Mordo were. As the smoke started to clear, Zealots and residents of the Dark Dimension appeared aiding Kaecilius and Mordo to help fight the Avengers.

The Avengers were the ones being outnumbered but they didn't let that bring them down.

"Avengers....Assemble!" Tony commenced

The two opposing teams started charging against each other and swarmed into a battle as if it was an orchestra of war, noises and fighting.

Captain America's shield flew, Wanda's energy glowing and Hawkeye's arrows flying around dashingly.

Wanda's hand soon curled into a fist as her hand was wrapped in a mystical light, her fist landed to the ground causing a energy shockwave blowing most of the Zealots off the ground.

Spiderman jumped as he shot streams of webs constructing his opponents and delivered a heavy kick to them as he ranged in towards the Zealots.

Falcon and War Machine took to the sky dropping bombs and bullets to the ground.

Black Widow and Winter Soldier fought beside each other as Natasha's attacks flew along with the sound of Bucky's bullets flying around.

The Avengers had no problems or complications as they fought, after all they were familiar to fighting evil forces that threatened the Earth more than once and slowly, they started to overpower their enemies.

Mordo and Kaecilius were getting frustrated as their army started to fall and lose.

Kaecilius then started to shift and distort the area around the Avengers as most of them fell and some still standing.

The Avengers had complications trying to withstand the distorted folded space, Mordo then rushed towards Stephen and fight him, Strange fought back but landed no hit on Mordo.

Wanda and Wong soon joined in Mordo and Stephen's battle, Mordo then used his Sling Ring and opened a portal to a dark space area, he kicked Strange into the area and Wanda and Wong chased after Stephen into the portal.

"We'll go after Strange, you guys take care of him!" Wanda said

"On it." Tony replied


Strange was knocked unconscious from the kick and fall, he slowly started to gain consciousness, he soon realised where he was. The Dark Dimension.

The area around was full of darkness, dark yet faded colours surrounded around him, it was no doubt the Dark Dimension.

Wanda and Wong caught up to him.

"Stephen! Are you okay?" Wanda asked

"Yeah, I'm fine."

They looked around the strange area.

"Where are we?" Wanda questioned

"The Dark Dimension...the place of darkness and pain." Wong sternly explained

As they stopped, Mordo appeared in front of them.

"Well well well, look who we have here."


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