Mordo's Redemption

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Mordo soon woken up from his slumber and attired himself in a pure white robe showing his changed heart and went down for work.

As he walked through the hallway, he saw Strange.

"Good morning, Mordo."

"Morning, Strange."

"It's sure good to have you back."

"It indeed is, I feel much better, I may be against going against the natural law, but the Ancient One did teach us some memorable moments."

"She indeed did, she would've been proud of you if she were here." Strange said



Jonathan Pangborn, who was robbed of his energy struggled to walk as he grabbed his walking stick and tired to walk but couldn't.

Mordo in his hooded figure walked into his shop and confronted to meet him.

"Hello, Jonathan."

Pangborn soon was frightened by him and grabbed his crowbar aiming it to Mordo.

"What do you want!?"

"N-nothing, I just want to say..I'm sorry, it was very unkind for me to do for stealing your magic and I just wanted to pay you a visit, and I have something for you for that matter."

An ethereal wave of wavering energy swirled on Mordo's hand and it whirled and wavered towards Jonathan as the energy circled around him
And healed his legs.

"Oh! Thank you! How can I ever thank you!?"

Jonathan hugged Mordo for gratitude, Mordo was surprised but happily hugged him back for gratitude.

As Mordo walked out of his workshop, Wanda was there to greet him.

"I see that you're giving back what you stole from that sorcerer I've been hearing about."

"Indeed, I feel spiritually better than who I was, and I'm so sorry for what I've done to you and your friends from before." Mordo apologised

"It's alright, I've handled worse, and I just wanted to say...

Wanda then handed Mordo a piece of paper with her number on it and...

"If Strange ever needs anything, he knows who to call."

"Then we'll be looking forward for more of your cooperation."

"Of course...just give me a call.."


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