Zealots on Earth

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DISCLAIMER NOTICE: The characters of Marvel and the company itself don't belong to me, but the concept and story of  The Witch and the Doctor belongs to me.

Anyways enough of that and enjoy the story!

The three sorcerers that just fled the battle came back to Kamar-Taj, they rested and Wanda dropped Strange heavily on the floor.

"Ow! You could be more gentle, you know!"

*sighs* "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't let down your guard towards Mordo and Kaecilius!" Wanda argued

"Well for your information, Mordo is my friend and I can't fight him! Whether he's with Dormammu or not, I'll not fight him!"

"A friend who is on the side of Dormammu helping him destroying the multiverse!"

"I'm not gonna fight him!" Strange debated

The argument was so tense that Wong decided to put a stop to it.

"Alright! That's enough! Both of you! Look, Stephen, I agree with you, but Wanda is right. Mordo may still be our friend but he's with the Dark Dimension now..."

"Come on, Wong...you're taking her side?"

"I'm sorry, Stephen, Wanda is right, Mordo isn't who he was before, but we have to fight."

Strange couldn't comprehend with the situation he was in, he was conflicted of the fact that he didn't want to fight his friend.

"I won't hurt someone who was once my friend and still is!"

"What's more important!? Saving the universe or saving your feelings, Stephen!?"

Strange was shocked of what Wanda said and the entire room around them was nothing but silence...without anything to say, Wanda walked out of the room giving out a stressed sigh.

Strange and Wong looked at one another and the Cloak of Levitation was pointing to Wanda's direction annoyingly telling Strange to go to her.

Strange gave a sigh.

"Ok, I'll go talk to her.."

Strange went out the room and tried to find Wanda, without having to try, he found her, sitting on the pile of stairs looking quite distressed.

He gently stepped down the stairs and sat with her.

"Look...I'm sorry about what I said...I just didn't want to-."

"No...it's my fault...I shouldn't have pushed my own feelings on to you without thinking.." Wanda said apologetically

"I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have done the same...I was just conflictive about how I didn't want to fight my friend who is on the side of evil and I just didn't want to lose a friend."

Wanda looked at him in a sorrowful plain expression.

"I guess I'm still the same from my past, I was aggressive, vengeful and dangerous. I still can't get over the death of my brother. He was my only family after our parents died and we looked after each other and when he sacrificed himself to save me and the Avengers. It broke me...it was disheartening to see the last of my family die."

Strange gave a concerned yet sad face while listening to Wanda's story.

"But then, I found out that not everything is gone. Clint, Cap, Vision and the Avengers helped me realise that I'm not alone anymore, they helped me found a home. They helped me found a family. Wanda explained

"I was a huge jerk back then, I put walls between me and my loved ones, I didn't believe in anything back then, but my teacher help me found my way again. She made me who I am today and losing her made me fight for what's right."

The Witch and the Doctor Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant