3 | The Most Magical Place on Earth

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A whole new world

A new fantastic point of view

No one to tell us no or where to go

Or say we're only dreaming.

-"A Whole New World," from the Aladdin soundtrack

Orlando, Florida


"Brooke, calm down," I said, looking at my precious, over-the-top girlfriend in amusement.

She was bouncing in the seat next to me as we rounded the curve toward Animal Kingdom. "I can't calm down! I AM ABOUT TO GO TO DISNEY FOR THE FIRST TIME, LUCAS GRAHAM SALAZAR!" she shouted.

Rachel turned around in her seat and looked at Brooke. "I still can't believe you've never been to Disney," she said, shaking her head.

"I know... Mom and Dad never really had the money to take us, and then after they passed, Katherine never had the time. So... you guys are taking me to Disney for the first time, and honestly, I am so happy about it," Brooke said, laying her head on my shoulder.

I kissed her forehead. "Me too, B."

Miles turned down the radio suddenly. "Look, we're here," he said, pointing at the building in front of us.

It was absolutely beautiful; I'd been to Disney but had never stayed on the property. This really was magical. As Miles pulled the Jeep into valet parking, I noticed that there were actual wild animals in the fields around the lodge.

I glanced at Brooke and her eyes were wide. Rachel was even squirming around in her seat. "Can we get out yet?" Rachel asked Miles, tugging on his sleeve.

"Yes, yes, hang on," he said, putting the Jeep in park and handing the valet his keys. I got out with him and we opened the doors for the girls. "All right, all right, come on," Miles said as Rachel jumped out of the Jeep and squealed.

"This is so freaking amazing, babe!" she said as Brooke pulled us all into a hug.

"Thank you guys for planning this trip for us," Brooke said, kissing me and Miles on the cheek. 

We chattered excitedly as we walked into the lobby, but then we were struck silent as our eyes took in the scene before us.

The lobby - that isn't even the right word, to be honest - was bright with a tribal theme, almost everything made of what looked like teakwood. It truly felt like we had stepped into some sort of castle in the middle of a jungle somewhere.

"My God, Miles," I heard Rachel murmur next to me. "This is breathtaking."

Brooke leaned into me and I draped my arm around her shoulders. She looked up at me and her eyes were shining.

"Thank you, babe," she said, and I leaned down to kiss her in response.


The bellhop brought our bags to our room and I opened the door to the balcony.

I gasped when I saw what was outside. "Miles!" I hissed. "Come here!"

He stepped through the door and I heard him echo my gasp. "Is that a..."

"Giraffe?! Yes!" I whispered.

Sure enough, there was a giraffe not 100 feet from the building, on the opposite side of the fence.

One in a Million (Book 3 in the Four of Us Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now