Chapter one: Auria Soma

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I sigh as I awake today is the day I will be assigned a team. I slowly rise before looking around the room I realize my clothes are still drenched in blood....his blood. I slide the clothes off walking on the cold stone floor into my restroom. I turn on the water washing my face my hair my body the feel of the warm water on my cold skin feels nice and relaxing. The air conditioning turns on just as I step out of the shower "Great just my luck" I whisper grimly to myself as I walk out of the restroom searching the room for the closet. I notice many things that I did not notice at first...I must be slacking if a bad night’s rest numbed my senses. First off the chair I threw in anger the night before has been replaced the room cleaned. A small metal pod has been placed on my desk along with a stack of files. I wrap a towel around me as I hear someone walk by my door and open my closet door. I look though the clothes and decide to go with a red and black training suit made out of a small t-shirt a zip up jacket and long pants with tennis Shoes. I slide on some panties and pull up the pants along with some socks and my shoes. I remove my towel and put on a bra the t-shirt and the jacket not zipping it up. The t-shirt is black along with the pants shoes and socks the jacket has red trimming with a red symbol on the back that resembles a bird with the rest of it being black.

I grab the files and the little pod and lay down on the bed. I push in the middle of the pod making a holographic screen come up as I push the side 2 ear phones pop out and float until I put them into my ears. I open up a folder on the screen that says music by touching it and touch the play all button. Music starts blasting into my ears as I open up the files and look over them. "Interesting" I say out loud then touch the exit button on the small window that had opened on the screen and place the headphones back in re-pushing the middle of the pod the screen disappearing as I put it into my pocket. I put the files in my desk and walk out the front door into the stone painted walls they painted them purple of all colors and not dark purple a very light almost pink purple. "These walls will be the end of my eyes" I mumble to myself as I turn right walking down the hall way following the signs that say head office. Then I run into it the hall connecting the hanger head office and hospital I see the janitor he’s washing the walls and floor and then it hits me a dark red among the purple walls and grey stone. Flash backs start to flow into my mind like blood flows out of a wound...I remember him a man cloaked all I could see was those eyes...blood red eyes...they remind me of my eyes but even worse. They remind me of the eyes of my father’ cold and empty as if I'm nothing to them. I saw those eyes right before it happened it was dark so dark I could barely see him but he had an uneasy darkness about him. You could tell the black of his cloak from the moonless almost seemed evil and 1 by 1 my team mates fell to the ground lifeless. It took him a total of 5.8 seconds to obliterate my team for some reason he left me alone I remember barely caring about the rest of my team I grabbed my captain he was becoming cold the color was leaving his skin as the area around me and my clothes started to turn red I rushed back to base Ignoring the security breaking down the hanger doors screaming in terror for help. I remember kicking though the walls to the hospital laying him down on a table screaming at the doctors to help him....I....killed the one doctor who told me he had been dead for a while I lost it haft of the hospital is gone now...I avoided that area as I head to the head office. I walk into the room that has the name "Chairman Kano" he greets me with a smile like always. But I know what he is truly like chairman Kano is a ruthless killer he worked his way up to his position but cutting down the people in his way. This organization loves the heartless.

I fake a smile back as I sit down "Well?" He ask me after around 3 minutes of starring at each other "Well what" I respond "My team is dead I killed off haft the hospital staff including some patients in the areas that were destroyed and you guys are already making me a captain of a new team a 3 person team at that" I add grimly. This organization team ranks are based on the number of people in the team. 10 people teams are normal made of rookies and one senior member a senior member being someone who has been advancing in the organization for many years next is 6 people teams they are the next level and are mostly dispatched to take out large areas then there are 4 and 5 people teams 4 is elite's and 5 is elites that still need to be watched over by someone even higher but 3....3 is when they pair up some of the most deadly members of the organization these teams are sent from assassination missions to the destruction on entire country's if not more. And there making me captain of one my ability to make group choices based on my mental health was bad enough before but now I could be considered as insane as most of my ancestors and these people destroyed galaxies because they had a mood swing. And not to mention there giving me people who resumes are death and destruction one of them is supposedly the great great great granddaughter of Uchimasu Tsutus I didn't even know he had children much less grandchildren. I mean I thought reality beings don't settle down cause of the fixed point in reality thing and never ageing what’s so ever Uchimasu has been around since god since the 11th generation of my family line.

See I'm part of the family called the soma's we made our own race literately our family started all the way back at the first great reality war. In fact we ended it the first soma was the cause of the end of the war he conquered every other side by himself without a army and started our family I'm the 111th generation of the soma's and apparently I'm special I can access full memories of all dead soma's even talk to them from any point in their life. They said many soma's have been able to access certain knowledge but never memories I was able to train under Darkon himself he is considered to be the most talented swordsman in all of soma history they say he even outclassed Nain who could end a planet by drawing his sword. But that's enough about that back to our story.  "And that's a bad thing why? You’re going to be able to do so much you’re moving up Auria! You will be given virtually unlimited resources." He replied to me cheerfully "So what! I already have more resources than this organization will ever have! I'm part of the soma family for god's sake I have full access to every single piece of information ever muttered!!!!! I don't give a hell about some damn team! I'm heading back to Saiko tonight to research the dead man that killed off my REAL team!!!!!!!!!" I shouted at him but he still smiled and simply said "Oh Auria you will love your new team maybe you can even take them with you from what I understand their ancestors were good friends of your family both of their ancestors were considered family to some of your most legendary family members." I frowned as he talked and when he was done I was told to go to the gym to meet my new team mates I decided I would do as my mother told me and 'Embrace' chances to make friends.

ExileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora