Chapter Two: Elizabeth Tsutus

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I sit awake starring at the clock it says '6:59am' I’ve woken an hour early again....I must wait till my alarm goes off to move. My schedule is strict like my chairman.....I blink and the alarm goes off I wait exactly 15 seconds before shutting it off and standing up. I walk to my bathroom undress and get into the shower I stand there for a second before washing my hair and body. Once I turn off the shower and get out I stand in front of the mirror and look at my self-concentrating. My breast become slightly larger, my hair becomes a light brown I blink and my eyes go from purple to a light grey. I walk out of my bathroom and go to my closet I put a gray t-shirt and some red panties on then a white button up shirt with black trimming and a black skirt long black socks and a pair of black shoes. I close my closet and go over the wall next to my desk pushing in a part opening the wall up. I look though a selection of guns and decided to grab a Colt M1911 with a flashlight add-on and a Beretta M 1951. I grab the holsters for the pistols and strap them under my skirt away from view and put the pistols into the holsters. I grab a small pod from my desk putting it into my back pocket and walk out the door shutting and locking it behind me. The lock isn't common I had it installed a few days ago when certain items went missing from my room. It shocks anyone that tries to break in with 250 watt's not killing them but harming them.

I walk down the hall way the floor is a grey stone and the walls are a horrible shade of purple I wonder when they will change that then I see it a great deal of damage has been done to the hanger doors and most of the vehicles inside. The walls have been smashed down all the way to the hospital there's a trail of blood. When I ask what happened I'm told that one of our teams were killed off last night the survivor rushed the captain to the hospital but it was too late. I go from the hanger to the main office and walk into the room with the name "Chairman Kyoukan" inside is a man that you would think is in the wrong place as if he belongs in some office building in a major city. But in truth this man has a file the size of a L42A1 Sniper rifle and almost every page of that file is confirmed assassination's this man is one of the people that you should just give up if you hear that he's been contracted to kill you. I greet him with a wave and sit down he looked at me examining me and then says "Changed your look to seem helpless have we? You really do like the brown hair when are you going to tell me your real hair color and eye color?" "Never I'm surprised you can't guess considering who my farther is but then again I could of got my mother’s features and no one knows who she was" I say with a slight smile not a real one of course just one to annoy him. "Right then, I have some good news for you Elizabeth. You’re being assigned to a team." I look at him as if this is a joke I'm well known to work alone but after examining his face I see that he isn't kidding "What kind of team? And who am I being put with to babysit?" I say a tad annoyed with this idea I don't need a team I'm an assassin I work alone. "You'll be assigned to a 3 person team and you're not the captain either she is" He says as he drop's a file in front of me.

I examine the file I open it but all I see is a picture along with a name and gender. "Is this some kind of joke? This isn’t a personal file this is less in front then a contract." I say raising my voice in disbelief the girl doesn't even look useful she looks like she might take down some non-trained people but nothing more. "But you have more than enough to see she is far dangerous than you think read her name carefully and while you're at it take this file too it's your other team mate's" He says not changing his tone from the moment I walked in I look at the name and the only thing I find the least bit interesting is 'Soma' I walk out of the office and towards the training center very angry so what if she's a soma I don't care being a soma just means she's talented she could be a genius but that doesn't mean she’s a fighter not all of that family is dangerous in a fighting way and so what if she is I've been training since I was 7 then I recall what my great great great grand farther told me on the day of my training the words echo in my head "You know you shouldn't complain about starting so early my old friend Darkon? He started at the age of 3 his farther just gave him a sword and threw him into a pit of trained swordsmen. You should count yourself lucky you were born with the last name Tsutus and not soma" I stop and think "what if this girl started that young maybe the soma traditions have changed but I doubt it and keep walking until I get to an elevator and hit on the button that says B19 currently I am on the 5th floor most living quarters are held on this floor along with the 3rd and 4th other than that the hanger is part of both floors 5 and 7 and the main office and hospital take up the rest the offices and hospital stack up around 4 floors above. I’ve never been to every floor but the elevator says there are 20 above floors and 70 below floor's the entire B19th floor is the training center the place is huge you can't even see the whole thing from one side. I go to the right top corner and sit down and go over the other team mates file....Victoria Narugit....where have I heard that name before.

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