Chapter Six: Fear Her

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There was a silence I felt uneasy so I started building up my mana. And then the era women nodded and the guards walked away. Era told one of the guards to get prisoner 5503. "Wait 5503? But doesn't this prisoner base numbers by arrivals? That prisoner would have to be over a few trillion years!" I outbursted not thinking. Auria looked at me and said "Roukou figured out the secrets to true immortality." I wasn't sure what she meant by true immortality but I didn't question her I just followed her though the hanger. We came into a long hall way without any doors. The walk was long and the halls were dull no one talked we just walked. We came into a part of the hall way with windows that showed the prison Elizabeth stared out of them but Era Auria and the guard in full black that never seemed to go within 4 feet of era but never left 10 feet from her just walked acting like it wasn't there. We arrive at some sort of check and had to be scanned Elizabeth had to check in around 50 guns and Auria refused to give up a keychain thing with a load of keys on it. Luckily I use magic so I didn't have to turn in anything. Once we were done I saw Elizabeth was very grumpy I guess she doesn't like being away from her weapons. Auria wasn't effected at all she had turned in a few things nothing that seemed that big but her refusal to give up the keys was interesting. I wondered what was so important.

We arrived in the Total Lockdown Prisoner area we were told roukou was kept in a special cell area they nicknamed it the "God Prison" apparently this area took a long time to open up so we had to wait in the Total Lockdown area. Then out of nowhere I saw a prison door fly past. I turned and saw three prisoner's 2 male's and 1 female stood above us before anyone said anything a siren went off I jumped up in reaction and then the walls came up I was blocked off from everyone else. And right in front of me stood him... A man smiling and he started tearing up the metal from the floor bending it all around until he had a swordish shape. And then he touched it one time with his finger and then a burst of laughter and smoke filled the area. The sword had become a long four bladed sword. Its greyish silver color shined and the man gave a slight bow now wearing a black and red suit with his dark black hair fixed. "Reality, Fear Reality at your service." reality...I knew that last name I knew it oh too well this man was a reality being one of the original reality beings a council member. And worst of all...he was the reality being fear this man was the man that pledged the world giving everyone there fear's and then invoking them he feeds off terror and disaster it's even said he is the reason for sickness and disease. And I'm trapped in a room with him.....all alone.

I looked at him waiting for him to attack but he just stared at me and then said "Victoria Narugit victim of Achluophobia, Chronophobia, Erotophobia, Zeusophobia in other words you fear darkness time sexualness that involves you and someone else and anyone of some sort of high power that might be considered a "god" among most cultures." I looked at him carefully he was right I feared those things....I....before I could answer I heard a scream...not of pain or fear but of anger just pure anger an anger that is only attainable by hating one thing for a extremely long time. The metal walls started to rip and tear melting down and then I saw it. One of the prisoners I saw was cowering trying to get as far from Auria as possible.  Auria was standing there holding two black Katana’s with two people beside her a tall man around his 20's with hair that flowed as if it was energy his hair didn't really have a color it was like staring into space his skin was pale as if he had never seen the sun but his suit was a bright fiery red that gave of light like it was a sun. And his eyes....they were so cold the color was twilight and they made you feel so....helpless like you were nothing compared to him. On the other side of Auria was a woman with long white hair and less pale skin but still paleish she was wearing a long red dress. Her eyes looked as if they had every shade of green and you just felt a feel of calm...such a calm that it felt deadly and then there was Auria her eyes glowed and as she walked towards the man the two people walking behind it looked as if air it's self bent and broke at around Auria. The female prisoner saw Auria and told the other two they were going fear jumped away from me but the man cowering from Auria...before he could go anywhere chains were wrapped around him from Auria. Then she sounded as if 100 voices were all speaking at once with such a demonic tone it made you want to run away and hide. "Star reality....You shall pay for your sins your crimes you shall not escape these chains, they are the chains built for the victim of your pride they are the immortal chains of Darkon soma!" There was a split second of silence and then before you knew it stars head had dropped on the ground...without his body. But star was still alive he had just enough time to say it "Fear her" when I looked to where his body was pointing before he died it was not Auria he was pointing at but the woman in the red dress. The women spoke up so that fear and the women could hear "Yes fear me for I shall make sure that Darkon’s vengeance is completed."

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