Chapter Three: Victoria Narugit

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A loud alarm go's off as I hit it with a blast of magic yawning as I sit up. "Another day in this boring place" I say to my self tired I pull my self out of bed nothing on me. I flick my fingers and water starts to flow out of the bathroom along with a floating shampoo bottle and a soap bottle. The water flows around my body the shampoo going though my hair the soap going around the rest of my body. Once the water and the rest has flowed into the bathroom some deodorant flows from my desk and rubs against my armpits and pubic hair. A black dress with purple trimming and white at the bottom along with a black bra and a black thong come out of my closet and slide onto my body long purple stockings coming out of my draw's sliding onto my legs. A brush comes from my desk and brush's my short purple pink hair as long purple fishnet gloves go onto my arms followed by black short gloves. A cross necklace with a purple jewel gos around my neck. Purple lip stick is spread onto my lips everything out gos back into place with a flick of my fingers. I grab a pod from my nightstand and walk out the door teasing every guy I pass.

 As I walk down the halls I hear about something that happened last night. I didn't pay much attention but I did notice all the destruction that had happened. I walked into the main office and went into a door with the name "Chairman Cario" inside was a man in tattered black robes a scar down his face going though his right eye and a eye patch over his left where his left eye most of the skin and a bit of bone had been cut out of his face cario was blind. He stared out into the distance for a while and then said "Your being placed on a new team" I was shocked but before I could say anything he dropped some files in front of me "I won't lie to you this team has to be one of the most idiotic ideas Ive seen yet go over the files your team mates will be in the training area." he said as he dismissed me with his hand I walked out of the room holding the files. I wasn't one for reading so I just looked at the file name and the pictures attached. Nothing too impressive I thought probably some secret files though or else this wouldn't be a 3 person team. I got on the elevator but instead of going down to the training room I went to the server room. I wanted more information on my team mates. And this was the place to get it I smiled as I knocked out the guard with some magic and sat down in front of the screen.

I pulled up everything I could on them I got more from the seemingly assassin of the group there were files on the leader but they needed some kind of clearance way above any rank Ive seen here. I decided I'd just have to find out via personal contact I used a slight memory wipe on the guard and walked out onto the elevator. I hit the floor for the training room and waited as the elevator went down. When I arrived I noticed something was off everyone was quiet and staring in one direction...a corner. I looked closely and saw them my 2 team mates. I started to walk towards them and then I felt it...I was briefly out of breath but I knew what it was. I saw where it was coming from...our team leader...was giving off such a strong power that I noticed a few people faint it slowly died down when she offered her hand to the other team mate our assassin...and then she spoke I felt as if death was here but not looking down at me but cowering from this girl and that is what made me realize why her files were so top secret....

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