Chapter Ten: Let Judgement Fall Upon Ye Soul

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  • Zadedykowane 12 (Amanda Whisner)

I looked into the mirror it shattered the word's chaos appearing on it I walked out of the room thinking to myself 'My name is Chao's Reality I am the 5th Chao's to come to exist." as I walked down the hall I saw a women with brown hair and a cross covered in chains beside her stood a man with white hair and a mask that made a frowning face she wore a black button up jacket with a white shirt and red tie along with a black short skirt leggings and shoes. He wore a jumble of a coat completely black with blue jeans and black shoes I asked what she was doing here and she said "I'm here for the meeting", "Meeting?" I asked she held up a card I took it and read it over "You have been formally invited to attend a reality council meeting - Auria...soma" what was that soma thinking inviting people to a private meeting I move my hand towards the girl starting to say you need to leave when my arm was grabbed and put under an insane amount of force "Touch her and I'll make sure a new chaos needs to come into existence" the word's they seemed so familiar.....I pulled away and walked off towards the meeting room. I walked down the halls of mirror’s my long black hair flowed I stopped to fix my black with red trimming uniform. I walked into the meeting room and took my seat. "Please welcome to esteemed princess of Awaikuroian Auria Soma" The doors opened and we were confronted with something we never expected. There stood Auria....with her was Uchimasu Tsutus Majikku Naggito Kensei Kuromachi Nara Soma Roukou Soma Aliron Soma Aykia Soma Rohan Soma Ruki Soma Ukora "12" with ukora was that man that grabbed me we did not know his name also there was Elizabeth Tsutus victoria Narugit the entire Tsutus and Narugit clan awaikuroian's entire army not only that what amazed even more was everyone in all 18 hells were united under one flag with them even a few angel's from heaven were there and then they appeared Reality who we thought dead Nearia Death....Aarkon and lighton but this could only mean then she spoke Auria spoke with so many voices "I am the direct line of the 111th soma generation within me the rage and power of a 1000 soma's burn's and not even that today over haft of our reality has lent me the power to do this" Within minute's a 1000 people appeared in that set was Annkou and Darkon and even more every single dead soma was standing in front of us I felt as if the angels of judgment were singing as they stepped forward and all at once they all spoke "Council of Reality you have committed crimes against the soma family what say you."

Lightning stood up yelling "This is an outrage! We judge you not the other way around!" then he happened Darkon stepped in front of everyone "Rise Judgment, Time, Death, Life, Light, Darkness, Rift, Fate, Sin."  At that moment Judgment time the first death light lift and darkness that existed rift fate and sin rose up and that's when it finally hit us it took a while since we were so close to the hall of reality but there immense combined power was so great our current light spoke up "The Auria girl has already ended star's life who else could you possibly want?" Auria stepped forward " I want...Night Reality and uxon." and for the first time in near a billion years I heard the voice of shadow "So you want the man who murdered your last team and you want your brother who shattered the reality core for the temptress who tricked him" Annkou spoke...his voice shook the entire hall causing cracks everywhere "She's not asking filth she's ordering and you best listen to my family don't forget who they come from" He moved his head and every reality member on the left of shadow was gone erased. We finally realized why all of our past existences fear the somas so this was what they did when you crossed them this was the wrath of the soma. Lightning appeared in front of Annkou in a flash of light but before he could say anything his body evaporated into thin air he was not trusted by Annkou and he had gotten too close. We weren't sure what to do but finally  our elected lead council member twilight stepped forward "Give them what they want I don't want a war between the Soma's do not forget that here in the halls the soma's are feared even more then they are in the rest of reality." We whispered for a while and then sent for night and uxon to be delivered to the meeting room but Night had other plans as soon as he came in he vanished. Then we heard his cry of pain there stood the man we had no name for the one who grabbed my arm he was holding...Zetsumei right though night's chest in a split second he had taken the sword from Darkon and stabbed someone that barely anyone could see and on top of it he wasn't dying from zetsumei’s curse. He returned the sword to Darkon and then stood back by 12.

With that the 1000 somas vanished and everyone turned to leave. I walked down to Auria her brother Nara gave me a look but let me pass. "I am extremely sorry that it came to this we do not know why night murdered your team. And the idea to jail uxon was made before I came into existence." She looked at me and simply turned away and walked off. The last to go was an angel...I recognized him....he was the arch-angel Gabrielle he walked past me and all I heard was "Let judgment fall upon ye soul to be burned in the fires of oblivion for thy mortal body to be created out of the ashes to be judged at the gates of heaven and be sent to the deepest circles of hell. That is the fate of this generation of reality being's You will soon make a mistake that you cannot escape the war shadow fear's is coming and I promises you heaven will be taking a side."

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