Chapter Eight: Annkou

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I stood there my hand on my cheek where Auria had kissed. My leg's felt uneasy trembling....I walked off into the room I had settled into and fell on the bed....I didn't prepare or anything I just laid there staring at nothing. Then the intercom went off Auria's voice blazed over the intercom "We have arrived ladies prepare to land." I sighed and got up walking out the room ayia told me to go to the hanger. When I arrived Auria and Victoria were there "ayia will turn into a car but once we reach the outer gate's we will have to walk." Auria said as she stepped outside telling us to follow. I followed her out of the ship and faster than we could react the large spaceship had become a car unlike any model I'd ever seen. The doors opened and we stepped in Auria took control of the wheel and we were gone our speed was amazing we drove though so many amazing things great ruins large jungles filled with creatures I’d never seen but everything seemed to keep its distance from us. And then we ran into a desert we drove in it for around two hours and then I saw it....Such an amazing spectacled a wall so large I wasn't sure if it ended it was white as snow with gold lining for each tower and it got even better once we were closer I saw carvings of dragons in the wall and then it landed a giant black dragon landed in front of us a sword dropped with a chain wrapped around it and then a young white haired girl jumped down the chain connected to her leg she wore a black dress along with a black necklace and held her hair with some sort of black bandage she also had some sort of dragon head tattoo on the left upper area of her chest. And another one in the middle upper area of her chest her red eye's matched auria's almost perfectly. Then I heard it an innocent voice filled with energy "SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed running up to Auria tackling her into a hug. Auria smiled as she hugged back me and Victoria were speechless the woman who we had seen behead someone just a day ago was smiling "Ello Oria" Auria said in a soft tone that almost made you feel as if she was some sort of angel she picked up Oria and put her on the black dragon that had landed "You go back home we will arrive soon" she said handing the sword that had dropped to Oria once the dragon had taken off Auria went up to gate and started to push the door open while giving us a look of death. She opened the large door and as we went in it shut the car had disappeared "Time to start walking" Auria said with a fake happy tone "Unless miss Narugit thinks she can handle a teleportation spell for around 7000 miles." I looked at victoria she seemed unsure but nodded her head.

Victoria sat down chanting words in a language I didn't know her body started to glow as she raised from the ground magical symbols flowing from her covering us. There was a flash of light and all of a sudden we were surrounded there was a massive gate in front of us made of some black metal and gold the symbols on the gate and the wall connected to it seemed to tell some sort of story. Once I had examined the amazing gate I turned to the people around us with weapons. I looked at Auria for a second then I felt as if I was going to pass out Auria spoke in a language that seemed as if the very words gave off power the people backed up and the gate opened....what I saw I'll never forget the largest mountain you had ever seen covered in streets houses buildings it was some sort of mix of era's the buildings got more advanced as the mountain raised but still most kept a classic medieval look to them. I looked around amazed I thought to myself 'This must be it this is Saiko the great capitol of the awaikuroian's' I was right this is the city where even the simplest child's power would make a normal person faint. People seemed to avoid us mainly Auria as if they were terrified of her.  Auria ignored them I guess she was use too it she just kept walking higher and higher up the mountain. I had lost track of time then victoria spoke up "Come on we need a break we have been walking for nearly 5 days how large is this mountain!?!?" Auria stopped and turned to us "Sorry...I forgot how little stamina non-Awaikuroian people have we will stop and rest there for the night" she pointed to a building that looked like it belonged to the lower buildings it showed no technology at all compared to the buildings around it. Auria explained it was an INN for those who did not wish to brave the streets at night. Apparently the city wasn't that safe either that or the guard's didn't care to help we walked in and for the first time I noticed it....Everyone in this city had white hair and more than haft had red eye's I laughed a bit too myself I had forgotten them the traits of the awaikuroian’s. I walked up the widening stair's into the room I had been given I sat on the bed examining the room I saw a window and opened it...the view was....exotic amazing...I couldn't put it into words if I tried the cloud's flowed like water down a stream there were all kinds of creatures flying about then I turned my gaze and saw it...a person completely covered in white starring right at me I could barely make them down but it had two other people with it covered in black I clamed myself down and closed my eyes when I opened them the three things were gone I wouldn't know what to call them all I knew was I was sleeping with a gun in my hand tonight.

I laid down I only closed my eyes for a brief second but before I knew it Auria was standing in my room the sun was shining bright and Auria was staring out the window. "They have been watching us since we arrived. The white one is a Norika and the two with it are Death Guard they are kind of like the royal guard or something but there mission is to make sure that they can kill the somas if needed." I looked at her I could barely focus on her words...she looked so...beautiful she turned to me and said "Why are you blushing?" I realized what she had said and turned away "U-uh no reason..." I said trying to keep my voice down. So that she wouldn't notice how shaky it was "So...time to leave?" I asked trying to change the subject. She said yes and then walked out the door once she closed it I turned around only to find her right in front of me. Her hand on my cheek the same cheek she had kissed earlier...and then she kissed me softly on the lips. I felt so calm I kissed her back slowly....."I-I-I'll be ready in a few minutes..." I said then she got up and left for real this time I just sat there thinking. Then slowly got up and walked out the door joining Auria and victoria outside I looked at Auria carefully trying to read her but had no luck all I could do is walk and think about how she kissed me....we walked for a long time and then we found it a giant castle at what seemed to be the top of the mountain. There was thousands of the death guard I had seen before guarding it. We walked in and were greeted by a butler who said that master soma would be here soon he just had a few things to finish up in his study. So we sat down and waited Auria looked upset. And then we heard a cloud crash we all jumped up and started running towards it.

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