•Ex-Boyfriend Tag•

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"Good day to all of you! This is Delilah, and for today's live video, I will be doing an ex-boyfriend tag with my....well, ex-boyfriend. A lot of you probably knows him because he's also famous in the internet. And he's one of the cast in Stranger Things. Thanks again for all the support!"

I smiled at the camera set in front of me, my eyes quickly stealing a glance at Noah who was behind the camera. He was watching me with a small smile on his face, but I can tell that he's thinking of something.

"You've seen him in tons of my videos and to those who watched them, I bet you already know who I was talking about. Noah, care to join me?"

"That is the reason why I came over, right?"

He laughed, sitting down on the empty space of the sofa beside me. We're currently in my spacious bedroom, the camera set on a tripod to hold it.

"Your sarcasm," I rolled my eyes, "anyway, we both have ten questions each and we must answer them in all honesty."

I picked up my phone from the coffee table, Noah doing the same. I tugged on the sleeves of my 5SOS Safety Pin sweatshirt, combing my hair back right after.

"Since I am a gentleman, you can go first." Noah said.

"Okay, first question. What is my favorite band?" I asked.

His eyes went down to my sweatshirt, then back up to my eyes as if saying, Is that even a question?

He knows me too well.

"Five seconds of summer, obviously." He grinned.

"I should've worn my Slytherin sweatshirt." I muttered.

"My turn, when was our first date and where?" He asked.

"Our first date? Uhm, it was in the Universal Studios at Orlando. It was five years ago, we were fifteen.....October 19."

"Awww, you remembered! I thought you won't remember because that was so long ago." He laughed.

"How am I supposed to forget that? First date in Universal Studios? You're probably the only person who would think of doing that on your first date." I laughed.

"Well played, Parker."

"Next question for you, Schnapp. When was our first kiss?"

"January 1, New Years Eve two years ago." He answered almost immediately.

I blinked several times, shocked that he can still remember that day.

Then we went on and on asking questions until it got serious on the three bonus questions that my fans asked.

"Okay, the first bonus question. Who was your last boyfriend slash girlfriend?" Noah read out loud.

"We broke up last year, but Noah was my last boyfriend." I answered.

"Wait, I was? No other boys after me?" He asked.

"None," I shrugged.

"Well, you were my last girlfriend." He muttered.

"Liar, you have tons of girls lining up for you. You didn't pick any of them?" I asked.

"Nope," he grinned, "no one can replace you."

Smooth move. I blushed at that. So, I went and read the second bonus question.

"Why did you guys break up?" I read.

"We're gonna do this on both perspectives. You can go first, D." Noah offered.

"Uh, okay. Well, we broke up last year, as you may all know. It happened at a party that Finn held in his house. But.....I....I saw him kissing one of my friends. Or, who used to be my friend. Then I ran out like a stupid girl. I broke it off." I said.

"Okay, time to fix my mistakes." He sighed.

He turned to me, laying his bent leg on the space between us. He had a serious look on his face as he comb his hair to the side. A sign that he's nervous.

"What...do you mean?" I asked.

"Look, just hear me out, please. She was the one who kissed me. The kiss didn't even last five seconds before I pulled away. She smelled like alcohol, and I know for a fact that neither of us would drink alcohol. I knew it wasn't you who kissed me, so I quickly pushed her away. Then I saw you running out of the house. I tried to explain, but you wouldn't hear me out. But now, I hope you believe me because I can't live without you, Delilah. For the seven months we've been apart, I can't even get up from bed without Chloe dragging me out of it. The reason why I never had any other girl after you? Well, that's because I was hoping that I could get you back. I need you in my life, D. We've been dating for two years until that stupid kiss. I....I still love you, okay? You know how hard it is for me to say those words to anyone."

By the time he finished, he was holding both of my shoulders. He made me face him, his eyes forcing mine to meet them. His grip was firm, but I can tell that he's scared.

"I....uhm.....I broke it off for nothing, then."

"No, you didn't. You were hurt, that's something. And I'm really sorry, Delilah. I know I can be so stupid sometimes, but I swear I'm better now. I'll do anything, everything just to get you back. Please, I need you." He said.

"You do know that we're live, right?" I chortled, trying to lighten up the mood. Thankfully, he breathed out a laugh and nodded.

"So, will you be my girlfriend again or dump me in front of millions of viewers? You know what, you can be sadistic when you want to be. Crap, you're gonna dump me, aren't you? Ugh, I--"

"Shut up," I laughed.

I took his hands off my shoulders and held them firmly, my eyes never leaving his.

"I'm not agreeing to be your girlfriend, yet. We'll start over, okay? Just slow and steady, Noah. It's been awhile." I said.

He didn't say anything else. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed me straight on the lips. I was shocked at first, but I slowly kissed back and wrapped an arm around his neck as the other one grabbed a fistful of his hair. His hands went to my waist, pulling me closer to his body as we lean against the sofa.

Just like how our kisses went before, I loved every second of his lips on mine. I loved his loving and gentle his kisses can be, it makes me feel important to him. It made me feel that he doesn't want to take this to another level until we're ready. He makes me feel like a princess.

I slowly pulled away, desperately breathing air after a moment of kissing my ex-boyfriend. I chuckled breathlessly, my eyes meeing his once more.

"Last question," I said.

I looked down at my phone and read it out loud.

"Will you ever get back together?"


Noah Schnapp ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now