Chapter 3

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Smoke was all Veronica could smell.

It was suffocating, slowly choking her to death.
Veronica's eyes flew open as she gasped for breath, just to inhale more smoke.
Her eyes also teared up due to the intoxicating smoke.

Once Veronica realised this was not a dream, she bolted up and tried to find her way towards the door.

Unfortunately, the smoke seemed to be thicker near the door, so her only option was to head inside.

Veronica Lodge stumbled over different objects in the messy trailer as she tried to get to FP and Jughead.

Suddenly, a cabinet somewhere on her right slammed down onto the floor, onto her foot.
Crying in agony, she struggled to get up and heavy cabinet away.

'I'm not dying like this,' she thought, gritting her teeth.

With one final push, she freed herself and limped blindly to a door.

Veronica Lodge banged on the serpents' doors as loudly with all her might.
"Fire! Wake up!" she coughed.

Inside the room, Jughead woke with a start.
Why couldn't he breathe or see anything? Was this a dream?

Distinctly, he could see a small figure through the thick smoke heading his way.
"Jughead! Fire!" it seemed to say.
Jughead woke his father, who immediately suggested jumping out the window of the second storey.

FP—declaring he would catch them at the bottom— jumped first, landing safely on the ground below.

It was decided Veronica Lodge was next, but just as she was about to leap out the window, a heavy object hit Jughead in the head.

"Jughead!" Veronica gasped as he crumpled to the floor.

Despite Jughead's agenda against her parents and them being on different sides in the civil war, Veronica Lodge had never really hated Jughead Jones. She had always considered him an acquaintance that she admired, as they both had similar tastes in literature.

Veronica Lodge was scared. Scared for someone. Scared for Jughead.

And that did not happen often. The last time she was scared for someone, it was Archie, when he insisted on fighting with the Southside during the civil war. Thankfully, Archie turned out fine with some injuries...but who was Veronica to him to be scared for him? Archie Andrews had broken up with her during the civil war.

"Jughead's unconscious!" Veronica yelled out the window to FP. "He's—"

Veronica was cut off by multiple falling objects that had almost hit her.
The trailer was collapsing and she knew they had to get out as soon as possible.

With all her strength, she yanked Jughead free of the heavy object. It took her quite a lot of tries considering her 5ft 1 frame.

Once she succeeded, she threw Jughead out the window into FP's arms. Then, she hurtled out the window as well as the trailer burned down behind them.

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