Arc 1.5

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(A/N: I'll be honest, i had totally forgotten the name of Jamie's stepbrother Kane, that's why instead of using his name, i kept referring to him as 'stepbrother' in the last chapter. I had already written the chapter and didn't feel like going back and looking for his name. Yeah i know, i am a bad author and lazy person. And yeah, i am disappointed in myself too😑 )


Marcus was busy stuffing his mouth with food when he got a text. He picked up his phone to see who the text was from, and was extremely surprised when he saw the name of the person who sent him the text. Jamie had never texted or called him before. It was usually Marcus who always took the initiative to call Jamie.

"Wow, its a text from Jamie"

Marcus said, still a bit surprised that he actually got a text from Jamie. Ji hoon, who was staring at his own phone with a bored expression, raised an eyebrow.

Marcus, who was used to Ji hoon's behaviour by now, looked back at his phone and read Jamie's message out loud. Ji hoon was silent after hearing it, then went back to looking at his phone with a bored expression.

"I wonder what happened that made him text me"

Marcus said slowly. He remembered Jamie's face which was covered in bruises the last time they met.

"It must be an emergency. I should text him back. No wait, i should call him"

Marcus said before quickly looking for Jamie's number. As he was blabbering to himself and going through his contacts, he was interrupted by a deep voice,

"He'll call when he needs you"

Ji hoon said slowly, without looking up from his phone, still wearing the same bored expression.

"Bu...but...what if its an emergency?"

Marcus said, raising his hand and waving it in front of Ji hoon's face. Ji hoon looked at his stupid friend and said again,

"He'll call when he needs you"

Marcus looked at Ji hoon then thought about it for a while. Then, as if understanding Ji hoon's words, he put down his phone. They then resumed what they were doing before Marcus got Jamie's text.

That is, Marcus leeching free food off of Ji hoon like always, and Ji hoon staring at his phone with a bored expression.


Meanwhile Zhang, after reading Jamie's text, put the phone in his pocket and went back to work.


Jamie put the phone back in his bag after sending the text. He then took a cab and went to meet a certain person to carry out his next plan.

This person was the Heart family's lawyer, Mr Gale. Jamie knew that this lawyer was a close friend of his stepmother and one of her lackeys.

There was no way for his stepmother to find out about the affair or the will just on her own. The lawyer was the one who had informed his stepmother about his mother Celia and also about his father's will.

In the original plot, Mr Gale had helped the Heart Family after they killed Jamie. He was a lackey that was used by his stepmother to do all the dirty works.

He was also evil like Jamie's stepmother and stepbrother but atleast the piece of information he provided had kept Jamie alive so far.

"System, did you prepare everything?"

Jamie asked.

[Yes, its all ready host]

System replied quickly.

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