Arc 1.12

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A/N: Actually i forgot to mention this before but Marcus's character was slightly based on Natsu (from Fairytale), hence the pink hair and all. I am not sure if you guys have watched it or not. If you haven't then you totally should cause its a really good anime.

Rant ahead~

So basically Natsu is this really happy go lucky, naive, stupid, innocent (especially when it comes to romance) and down to earth type of guy. He is also very kind hearted and helps everyone, especially those whom he considers a friend. He has this white knight/saviour thing going on where he is specially protective towards weak people and will do all he can to help them. He will also literally do anything for his friends. Like going to extreme lengths and even willing to give up his life for them. Also he likes food and eats a lot. So basically Marcus's personality is kinda like Natsu, that's why he acts so protective towards Jamie.

Rant over~

PS: This chapter contains Violence. You've been warned😅

Anyways enjoy~~
PS: ignore the grammar/spelling/any other mistakes😅


Jamie had expected that because of what happened with Marcus and Zhang, James and his group would stay away from him....well atleast until Kane was back. However he had made a miscalculation.

Just because Kane wasn't back yet didn't mean his lackey's wouldn't attack him. Now that they knew Kane would be coming back soon, they were more then ready to put the loser Jamie back to his place.

During class, they kept throwing paper balls at Jamie's seat. Then during P.E when they were playing volleyball, James and his group targeted Jamie and continuously hit him with the ball. If Jamie was walking in the hall, they would accidentally bump into him.

When the teacher wasn't in class, they sat near Jamie's seat and talked loudly, basically about what a loser Jamie was. During recess, Jamie got up and went to the washroom to try and calm himself down. When he got back, all his books that was supposed to be on the table and even his bag, was missing.

Jamie knew those idiots had definitely thrown them in the garbage or something. He went to the back of the classroom where the garbage can was and sure enough, his bag, books and notes were all there.

'This is so fucking childish. Are we in 5th grade or something!? Fucking baldies! Can't even come up with something original" Jamie bitterly cursed as he picked his things from the garbage can.

James and his group were laughing loudly as they saw Jamie rummaging through the garbage.

"This is what you're good for loser, just stay there near the garbage, where you belong" James shouted loudly.

He and his lackeys then got up and walked out of the classroom. The books were damaged beyond repair while his bag had gotten all wet.

'god damm lunch!' Jamie thought as he quickly picked his bag up. Luckily they had just thrown his bag in without opening it so the contents inside were safe.

Jamie didn't bother picking up his damaged books and left them there in the garbage. He then walked back to his seat, wiped his bag and kept it back inside his table.
'Fuck this shit! I've had enough' Jamie thought as he stormed off angrily.

Jamie had planned to lay low and deal with the lackeys when the right time came. He didn't wanna do anything that might bring him any unwanted attention. But those damm fuckers were just getting on his nerves.

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